I’m 18, a virgin, a non-smoker, I don’t drink, I have had depression for many years but I’m not medicated, I am mostly inactive but I eat well and am not overweight. For about six months, I’ve had chronic pain in my penis. It used to happen only when flaccid, and it came and went, but it soon became constant. The pain is on the left side, by the base of the head/top of the shaft. The pain is dull and aching. I honestly can’t pinpoint precisely where it is. I feel it in that area, but when I try to touch it to find the exact spot, it doesn’t hurt. Sometimes I have erections with no pain, but other times, I have acute pain there. I’ve never had any bruising or cuts or swelling from any injuries. In recent months, there have been changes and new pains, but they may be unrelated. Things like the foreskin retracting much more than before (even when flaccid), almost no morning erections, the flaccid penis seeming to bend/lay differently than before, a white spot on the head, and most notably lots of inflammation and swelling on the tip. Every time I give in and masturbate (which is pretty rare, at most twice a week), it swells and hurts especially badly for days (no matter how gently I do it). This has only been happening in the last month and a half or so.

I’ve been to two different urologists, both of which were totally unhelpful. Since the symptoms aren’t clearly visible, they offered me nothing. No possible causes, no treatment options, no anything, even when I asked. They just said “It’s the new normal”, which is obviously not an answer I’m content with at all. I’ve been all over the internet searching for months. Here are some things that it might be: Peyronie’s disease, pelvic floor problems, nerve damage. What kind of doctor do you think would be best? I’m considering an andrologist, pelvic floor specialist, neurologist, dermatologist, or a chronic pain specialist. I don’t have a ton of money, so I need to choose wisely where to go, and if it’s even worth going anywhere at all. Right now I’m just trying to do yoga, stand more, and take warmer showers and baths.

This is so embarrassing and makes me so much more depressed than I already am. Every time people mention anything sexual, I just feel awful. There’s no way I’m living with this forever. It’s driving me crazy anymore.

1 comment
  1. Since pain doesn’t originate from the base of the penis I would rule out the pelvic floor specialist myself. Rule out dermatologist if nothing is visible. Pain specialist or neurologist seems good maybe….

    Have you had STD testing done? Were you clear of having HPV?

    Good luck!

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