What is the most shocking thing you did for love?

  1. For love? Nothing too shocking.

    For lust? Plenty I’d rather not disclose, or even enjoy remembering.

  2. Embezzled $25k and eventually got busted. Paid it all back and served my time. Married her and had a kid. Never set another foot wrong.

  3. I got on my knee and asked her out in highschool at the bottom of the staircase and got rejected. Was awkward as shit but taught me to step out of my comfort zone.

  4. Left the one to have the other one. In the end had no one. Happened twice. That’s life.

  5. Stayed faithful in a long distance relationship and was proud of it. Looking back, I feel like a complete idiot. Like Keshia Cole said, I should’ve cheated

  6. i’m studying to be a nurse she was studying law and having hard times because she ain’t understanding her studies so i went full on day n night studied all her courses in law so i can explain to her and teach her she passed the first year bcz of me after countless hours of teaching her (she broke up with me bcz she wasn’t happy happy like before she was just happy that’s what she said) on the gd side now ik law

  7. Stole a bike and drove it 10miles to comfort her, got up at 4:30am to say Hey and walk her to her work.

  8. Had a silent break up when I was 14 years old and waited for him to ask me to be his girlfriend again for 16 years but he didn’t, and we also weren’t in contact at all throughout the 16 years as well. I also didn’t reach out because I thought if he is the one who didn’t want to be with me, then he should reach out first to reconcile things. I was so in love. I’m married now, but till today I still think about him and shed a tear or two. My husband knows nothing about him because I have the most loving husband in the world and I don’t want him to know something so long ago that I’m still juggling it. When I think about that ex, I still feel the same heartbreak

  9. Unknowingly gave up all self-respect, slowly forgot my self-worth, and was swindled into handing over my balls in exchange for a mangina… abuse is a hell of a drug.

  10. Walked for 3 hours just to see her for a few minutes before her parents woke up, and then 1 hour back before being picked up by my friend’s step-dad. I was in my sophomore year and am currently in my senior year.

  11. Lied about why I was travelling 200 miles to her town. Complete ruse just to go. Car loaded with work equipment to carry the ruse. Yeah, I was that smitten.

  12. Financially supported her for 8 years and gave all the freedom for her to work/study whatever she wanted whenever she wanted

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