Men, How do you handle stress and pressure in your daily life?

  1. I try to be as organized as possible.
    I plan my day ahead and I also make sure to do something for myself atleast 4 times a week (for me its the gym)

  2. I pray 5 times a day + I go to gym for an hour + if I have time I will play PlayStation for an hour or so or I will just walk with my friend and sleep. See and talk with my mom is also a stress reliever for me.

  3. Sports. There is nothing other that helps me. The more xhausting the better. Sex is great, too. But I get it too rarely. I wish I could just sit there and relax when watching TV. But this is something so far away cause there is always somebody asking or nagging me.

    But I guess each man has to find it out for himself what helps and what not.

  4. Look into the mirror, splash some cold water in your face and say to the mirror “sadness is not a good enough reason to not be a man. Fuck your sadness, fuck your depression. Be a man”.

  5. By solving the things that are causing the stress. That is was stress exists because usually an important task is pending

  6. I ignore it and it view it as a challenge. I always felt it’s inevitable and baked into life, just like turning food to shit. So why stress and put added pressure on myself.

  7. Make lists to get it all out of my head. Sometimes write in a journal. Watch porn and masturbate. Drink alcohol and smoke weed. Sleep. Hold my wife.

  8. I lift weights. Fun fact: breaking down stress chemicals is something that mainly takes place in the muscles. Therefore it is a near linear correlation between muscle mass and ability to handle stress. The muscles act as a buffer so that you’re not hit with the full load of stress chemicals, which makes it easier to maintain calm and composed.

  9. Daily prescribed medication plus an herbal supplement, therapy every two weeks, and masturbation.

  10. Meditation, walking in the woods, weight lifting. One of those usually does the trick.

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