I know this page is for people to air out some of their problems, but I also know there are things people love about their partners. Tell me one…or a few.

Mine: I love how passionate my husband is about the things he loves. Me, cars, rugby. And when he starts talking about the things that he is passionate about, he gets into these rants and it’s just so cute ❤️❤️

  1. My favorite thing about my husband is his sense of humor. We find the same things funny for the most part so I always save things I read or videos I watch to show him and we laugh and laugh.

  2. Physically, it’s that hourglass figure. She is all shoulders, boobs, hips, ass and thighs.

    Personality traits, it’s her sense of humor. She is an absolute savage and shreds me every chance she gets but also has 0 issue with me shredding her.

    Emotionally, it’s the way she values family. My definition of family has completely transformed since I met her. The way she is with me, our kids and her own family is completely different than anything I have ever experienced before.

    More than anything though it’s probably her impact on me that I like the most. She feels miles out of my league and this has encouraged me to constantly seek self improvement. I’m a significantly better man today than I was when I met her, I even got into much better shape. She never once pressured me to improve, I just felt compelled to be the man she deserves.

  3. I love how funny he is. He makes me laugh every single day and I never thought I could be so happy. He’s everything to me.

  4. She is always looking out for my best interests and is the kindest person I’ve ever met. She continuously makes me want to be a better husband.

  5. Super confident and comfortable in who he is, and if he’s involved in something, it gets his 100000% attention. Friends and family always say that when we are at parties / family events they don’t ever remember a time that he wasn’t on the floor playing with our children.

    Probably selfish but I really love that I can be completely myself with him and he never judges or criticizes. He accepts me completely

  6. His loyalty, sense of humor, work ethic, the way he’s grown out of the “this is just the way I am” mentality, how much he loves being a dad and having a family that genuinely and unconditionally loves and cares about him, his passion for his hobbies, his stature and how manly he is, reliability, dependability, his dedication to being the father he never had, and he is always so supportive of me. ❤️

  7. Her brown eyes and appreciates my sense of humour.

    Effortless to talk to, meant I knew she was the one.

  8. His humor. His passion for justice and fairness (even though that doesn’t always translate to home). He has a backbone made of steel, which I admire too!

  9. My husband is a tough, no-nonsense army ranger who nobody really fucks with…but at home he is the sweetest person in the world to me and our pets. He has a huge heart for animals, and seeing him with my very scared pitbull made me realize I wanted to marry him. He is incredibly patient with my hot-headed bratty attitude. If I raise an issue he genuinely tries to meet me in the middle. He handles my strong personality better than really anyone else ever has. And for that I respect him. Sometimes I accidentally embarrass him in public by being a Karen, but I always apologize. He makes me a better version of myself. 💕💕💕

  10. I love how caring my wife is about people overall. I love that she is not “easy” to please or to read. I love how dependable she is and how she has my back even if I make a mistake. I love how she encourages me to be the best version of myself and not be stagnant in my career or in life.

  11. My husband and I have the same exact sarcastic sense of humor, so he gets all my dumbass jokes and cracks me up with his. He is out of my league, looks-wise, but has never made me feel less than. He is my eternal optimist, shining his light into the darkest parts of my world without me even asking. I would do anything for him. He’s the very best there is.

  12. Hard to name just one thing. But I love that he is a curious person and always looking for stuff to do. He’s a big reader of a variety of books, from poetry and short stories to experimental fiction or serious nonfiction all the way back to classics. He draws and paints and will often bring a mini watercolor set out and about, and he is just looking for inspiration all around him. He’s also got a great voice and plays guitar and keys, so I’ll be at home, reading, and just hear him start singing in the other room. It’s wonderful.

    He is also really physically fit, which I am attracted to, but not a gym rat. He runs and bikes and hikes and climbs and kayaks and camps.

    That’s so much stuff. Ahh! I can’t pick one thing. I just love that he tries so much stuff and keeps at it.

  13. Physical? His dimples and smile. Also, his dick. It’s legit the most beautiful dick ever. It’s gorgeous. Plus it’s as if it was molded to fit me perfectly. Couldn’t ask for anything better.

    Non-physical would be his unconditional love and acceptance of me. He has always loved me exactly the way I am, and I can fully be myself at all times. Weird quirks and all.

  14. She’s incredibly strong. I call her superwoman not just cause she is my wife but legitimately I’ve never met anyone with so much drive and passion and integrity. She kills it at everything she does. Great wife. Great career. Great homemaker. Great friend. Great daughter. She just really inspires me.

  15. I love that my husband is kind and gentle, that he is intelligent, down-to-earth and usually up for an adventure. He is also a true partner.

  16. He’s the only one that could keep me

    His posture

    The way he silently commands a room

    The way he makes me laugh

    His intelligence despite being withheld from a formal education

    His ears

    The way he smells

    How peaceful he looks in his sleep

    The way he made a life from the shambles that was his youth

  17. My wife is so smart. Beyond my comprehension. For example, She can look at someone’s gait and diagnose an issue with their hips, back, etc., it’s incredible. When she explains things she nerds out and uses big words. She thinks so little of it though, so much so that she thinks everyone knows what she knows.

    Her willingness to adapt outside of her comfort zone is inspiring. I’ve watched her start at a company as a young, green professional and develop into a competent and confident area manager.

    Her laugh is infectious, and she laughs often. Out in public people either laugh with her or compliment her on it.

  18. My husband loves to cook really healthy meals and gets a lot of satisfaction when I like his cooking. Not only is this great on its own, but I suffered from an eating disorder for years so there’s a deeper element to my dynamic with food. Cooking for me is his way of saying he wants me to be a healthy, not just skinny. When I ask for seconds his face lights up. It’s adorable how much he likes taking care of me.

  19. His handsome face, and his style. Every time he comes home from work I get butterflies seeing him in a fancy suit and whatever designer accessories he put it with. My favorite is Cartier watch, Chanel tie, Chanel belt, and Louis Vuitton bracelet.

    Sometimes I forget he’s my husband for a few seconds and I get nervous to talk to him

  20. My wife’s figure. Also her long red hair down to her knees. I love her accent. She is German and speaks British style English with a strong German accent. Could you imagine that mixed with my Kentucky hillbilly accent if we have children?

  21. So many things. Off-hand, I love his intelligence, great sense of humor, patience, kindness, sexiness, and how very much he loves and appreciates me. We each think the other is “out of our league,” which lends to maintaining that deep appreciation for the other.

    I love the time he takes to ensure each task is done meticulously. I love that he takes 1000 hours to choose exactly the right tool to use to mount a shelf or to research the most time-and cost-effective way to do some home improvement project- and that he spends just as much time and care showing love to me.

    I love that he kisses me every time we go through a car wash together, holds my hand when we walk together, and sits on my side of the table in restaurants. I love that he spoons me in bed and that we are emotionally and physically intimate with each other very regularly.

    Our love is a comfortable, peaceful, everyday kind of thing – the quiet backgound music of our life together. There are many moments of greater intensity, but my love for him is constant and deep. I’m so thankful to have a true partner in all things.

  22. My husband is hands down the funniest person I know. I mean constantly has me crying from laughing so hard.
    He is extremely handsome. A lot of his mom’s friends joke that he could’ve gone to Hollywood and be successful & they are correct. He jokes he has a “dad bod” now (lol no he doesn’t), but every new physical phase he has been in just looks so good on him. I remember the first time I saw his pic on Bumble. I was like “😮‍💨😮‍💨 whew lawd”
    He is like a big kid during the holidays which is so fun. He goes above and beyond for all of the holidays with the decorating, crafts, gift wrapping, and family outings. I just know our kids are going to grow up and tell their future spouse about all the fun holiday things they did with dad or things he did for them & that makes me so happy.
    He is in the process of going for a new position at work (military), but has to get through some pretty rigorous training first. One block he failed, but was given a second chance to try again if he wanted to. It was an incredibly hard (physically & mentally) 6 week block to have to do again, but he went for it and passed this time. His perseverance has really been inspiring and I am just so proud of him for not giving up.
    He’s just an incredible man all around..
    I could write a novel about him. He’s the best. 💛

  23. I’ve always struggled with mental health. Nobody from the outside would know, but for me, I’m always getting in my head about everything, and I can’t get out. I overthink, obsess over conversations, etc. My husband, on the other hand, is the most mentally strong human I’ve ever met. It is astonishing how he can just let nothing get to him. He lives for me and our kids, and nothing else affects him. He makes me always want to do and be better. I love him so much. He’s my Hero.

  24. Mine is: I love how much my husband respects women. He doesn’t have a bone in his body that feels like he shouldn’t have to do something because he is a man, or woman’s work type of thing. He even tried to learn how to braid hair after mastering the ponytail (work in progress). He lets our kid paint his nails and such, he doesn’t care about looking silly or “feminine” when it comes to his kid. He doesn’t ogle or fall into thirst traps and such, not at all. I have never seen or heard him objectify any woman, even when he is with his friends and they might make some comments, he doesn’t engage in it and finds a way to politely decline. I don’t know too many men like him when it comes to this! So glad we were blessed with a daughter.

  25. I have so many about my husband. Today is our 20th anniversary ❤️. He is an excellent father and fun to be around. We have our inside jokes that we can say at any time and we laugh. My favorite brag is in his phone, I am not listed by my name or wife, he has me as “nectar of God”.

  26. For me it’s really everything about her. At the surface she is really pretty, has a smoking figure, and is super feminine in manner and affect in her every act, movement, word and sentiment. She is a sweetheart of a person that matches her looks. She is a high achiever and works very hard but is totally humble and down to earth. She knows of my admiration of her and is always sweetly, but humbly pleased. She has the highest integrity and character, all of which contributed to us being effective and decent parents. She is dignified, elegant, able to be goofy, shy, has a sense of humor and after over 30 years I still have to sincerely tell her every day that I can’t get enough of her. I am a very lucky guy!

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