Hi before I start,
I am a 15 year old girl and “Mark” (not real name) is 14 year old boy. Dont make it nasty.

Quick backstory. Me and Mark used to be bestfriends when we were younger (11-12) and it was a great friendship that I truly miss. For a long time he ingored the jokes his guy friends made about our friendship (that he is a simp and bla bla that stuff) just to talk to me. I remember that at every P.E lesson he would stay where I was just to talk to me. He was much faster then me but he still ran beside me so I dont feel lonely. We would go on our little bike trips with other friends, we would laugh. I would visit his house and he would visit mine. It was great for 2 years but after that he couldnt bare the bullying from the guys (I wasnt aware of it!!!) and just stopped talking to me. I really missed him and I was confused at the moment. After few months I confronted him about it in school and he told me about bullying and I understood. I didnt want him to go through bullying because he is a kind, respectful boy. Or atleast he was at the moment. He never made fun of anyone.

We stopped talking eventually because he changed a lot. He started to be like other boys, no longer so kind. He is an asshole.

I changed schools last year due to the amount of stress I was going through (I am homeschooled now) and I was recently helping my school at an event and I saw him. We didnt really talk or anything but his place of work was next to me and my feelings for him just decided to reborn.

He is much taller then me, he has a pretty face but ooohh he is an asshole right now. We were working at a marathon, handing water to runners and he and his friends were spilling it for fun (we had limited amount of water).

I dont know what to do because I dont really have a chance with him (not that I dont find myself pretty, I am beautiful but its the fact that we are not in the same enviroment anymore). I dont know what to do.

Should I use witchcraft of any sorts or just give up? And if I am supposed to give up, how? He is ij my mind constanly. I am a sucker for love and oh my he got me.


  1. Why would you want this guy? He’s weak. He stopped spending time with you because people made fun of him. I don’t want to be overly critical here since you’re both still so young, but his priorities are fucked up.

    Unfortunately, this might be something you experience a lot over the course of your life: falling for guys who aren’t any good for you.

    You can either torture yourself over those guys or you can pursue guys who actually want to be decent partners to you.

    I know that it’s difficult to let go of someone you like, but ultimately the person you have to put first at the end of the day is yourself. If this guy isn’t any good for you, then you already know the answer.

  2. Your both young, and men at that age are something else (something very sad). Especially when hanging out with friends that are actually assholes. Going by the way he was before, that probably is his true self, someone who he will turn back into when he’s more mature and realizes he doesn’t have to be someone else just to be accepted and fit in.
    I don’t wanna give you any false hopes, as that could not turn out to be the case, but it’s a possibility

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