Im 16M and I’ve currently been in a talking stage with a girl for one week. I started the convo with a heart and star emoji. Dm for more info. Basically yesterday I was talking to my friend and told him about how her tiktok reposts have been demotivating me. Yesterday she reposted a post about how she likes guys who dont liker her and dosent like the guys that like her. At 9 pm yesterday her friend dmd me and told me not to get sad becasue they just post random shit. THen my friend texted her about me and she said she is not looking for anything serious rn and that although I’m a nice guy i’m not physically attractive. I don’t know what to do. This is my first time asking a girl out and I haven’t yet met her IRL. I dont want to be a charity case for her but whenever I dont text her I’m only thinking about her and it feels like theres a gap in my soul. I’ve had a crush on her for 1 yr and I was thinking of meeting her this weekend. Also should I go out with her and some friends or meet her at our schools football match. HELP!

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