For context, we broke up 6 months ago and we’re on good/talking terms now, though we obviously don’t talk much. I would want to get back with her in the future (organically, not unnaturally) and I’m not sure what to do today. Should I drop her a text and if so what should the text be like, wishing her in person would be a bit odd and all that.

For even more context, we’re both pretty young. Not sure how that would help but just to add context.

TLDR – It’s my ex’s birthday and I’m not sure what to do (we’re on good terms and I’d wanna get back together in the future if it happens naturally)

  1. Just “happy birthday, hope you have a great day.”

    If she wants more contact, she will respond.

  2. Congratulate yourself if it’s a person you value in your life, maybe leaving would be a good move only if you’re sure he would accept it, otherwise good luck

  3. Just send “happy birthday”, but much later in the day so it seems like u forgot, will have a lot more impact

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