How to give a send off message to in-laws who came home and stole things from your house and took money and gold without your knowledge from your husband secretly in a polite way but firmly to set boundaries and the money is not just the sons but both of us

1 comment
  1. “Hi, I just wanted to let you know that a police report has been made for the items that were stolen from our home.

    Moving forward, you will no longer be allowed to come to our home. Please state your intention to repay the stolen items.”


    There is no polite way to accuse someone of theft I’m afraid. You could try the genuine route,

    “Hey it really upset is that these items were stolen from our home. We didn’t appreciate that and moving forward we cannot allow you into our home.”

    Truthfully, anyone that would steal, let alone from their child doesn’t seem like they really care what you have to say

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