So, I’ve been chatting to this girl for a bit, nothing exclusive but we like eachother a lot. She has mentioned to me she loves me etc.
She asked for a pic and I’m not too fussed sending so I obliged and she sent a cute vid.
I asked if she had anything from ‘now’ i.e in the moment.
She said that the video was for me and she was annoyed.
The video shows up as being taken September 10th midday, and we were chatting at 12pm yesterday…

So yeah, she said she’s annoyed and hasnt messaged me since. Equally I know she has she is chatting to other people as we aren’t anything exclusive yet but she has said she doesn’t really like any of them the way she does me.

I guess this is all a loads of BS right? I rarely get pics from her whether just a selfie or anything else and seems when I do its second hand from one of the other guys she’s messaging. Then I’m made to feel guilty for calling it out.

I did really like her and not sure if I’m over reacting but lack of honesty like this is a turn off for me, loses trust.

  1. Good job calling what it was…total BS. You shouldn’t feel guilty for being honest. Keep to good morals because the crap out there will ruin you.

  2. It’s bs but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like you but just be weary she’s seeing others and that’s ok until y’all actually dating lol atleast in a lot of ppls eyes, chicks start with older videos a lot until the comfort up

  3. Multiple red flags- you have been chatting for less than as n a day and she “loves” you. I would expect lees for fiscal help soon to follow. Non current indicate that age is almost certainly a scam operator. They send standard photos or videos. They do not have time to do individual pictures- they are working m as by guys – cultivating the ground- tugging at you emotions to prepare you to send a few dollars

  4. Glad to hear it but there is something not right about deceptive actions in a relationship and loving someone that quickly does not indicate emotional stability. Please use caution with your feelings- it would seem you are going to have to “reason” for both of you.

  5. It is BS. Likely a Lolita scam.


    They can send them, but we as men need to dominate and refuse to put ourselves in a very dangerous position.

  6. I felt for a scam like this. Most likely a dude with spoofed pictures he gotten somewhere els. Ended up making a collage of my nude saying “she” will post it on public media to show how i look nude unless i paid “her” money. In panic i just blocked her and made all my social media privat.

  7. 100% Bullshit. She is sexting several other people with whom she is way more sexual, because “what you have is special and deom the heart”.

    She got caught lying so She uses Angers to put you on your knees and crawl to get her back.

    Move on.. no LTR comes from that type of behaviour.

  8. This screams blackmail, send her pics and you might as well send her a few thousand bucks too. Start thinking with your big head

  9. Don’t feel bad for standing up for yourself. I think you should’ve mentioned you know the video was taken prior. She’s playing like it wasn’t and trying to guilt you into feeling bad for questioning her.

    The flip side of this is that she took it for you but never sent it in the moment

  10. Just going to offer an alternative perspective here. I struggle with taking nudes. Often lack body confidence and honestly I just don’t know how to get good angles. Every now and then things just line up perfectly – I’m feeling great in my body, a little turned on, and I’ll take a bunch of pics/videos to store for later. Then when I’m feeling spicy I’ll send them to my guy. They definitely aren’t taken in the moment, but that doesn’t mean I’m sending them to other people. I just took them when I was feeling good about taking nudes. That’s all. Not sure about your friend, but the Sept 10 date isn’t a HUGE red flag imo.

  11. Just wanna categorically confirm here it’s not a scam, I’ve verified she is real. So just so we can get past that.

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