Men who can work out but don’t. Why?

  1. Time. It’s not worth sacrificing sleep for when you need to be ready to wrangle kids, do chores, and still work. Knowing you maybe have half hour to yourself at the end of the day

  2. My lifestyle and hobbies are active enough that I don’t have to waste time in the gym to stay fit.

  3. I’m mentally exhausted from work, and when I was into weightlifting it didn’t help my chances with women so I didn’t have much motivation to continue

  4. My job keeps me in decent shape and I see nothing fun about working out. The diet, the exercise, the routine, the lifestyle, none of it interests me.

  5. I work a strides job for 8 hours a day, then either come come and do chores too tired to do anything else. Or come hone and take care my my kid.

  6. I was vaping, and used cancer as an excuse to not be disciplined. Now I spread my wisdom to random keyboard warriors across the internet.

  7. We live in the 21st century. Who the fuck needs big bulging muscles, anymore? Women today don’t like the bodybuilders with no necks, they like the skinny twink look.

    Besides, physical fitness has, and has long been, a right wing/white supremacist/fascist pursuit. And the last thing I want is to be associated with that lot.

  8. It’s not a priority for me. I’ve kept it up in the past when there was less other stuff competing and…meh?

    It was never the transformative or addictive thing gym rats go on about for me.

  9. Routine.

    It’s only really beneficial if you can keep it up, and my personal life is full of family that is over-dependant on me right now. I cannot make the commitment to a workout routine as if I reserve time for myself, I pretty much guarantee someone will need me available at that time.

  10. No time. Kids and life take up all of that. Even if I did have the time I think I would sooner take up yoga

  11. There was actually one period in my life where I strongly was working out and people saw results.

    It was convenience and I had nothing else to do in a boring ass town. And something, something women something, something confidence building. But the gym was right outside my office window and closer to my office than my car. Also I could work out during commuter traffic instead of being in it. And I had more money to afford that specific gym (YMCA).

    But now I’m playing racquetball and trying to walk more. I used to jog a bit and might get back into it.

  12. Because I’m perfectly fine the way I am, and don’t need the mind-numbing experience of subjecting myself to strain and pain in a sweaty gym with grunty dudes, and paying for the privilege, in my life.

    More relevant: People with regular healthy bodies that work out. Why?

  13. I prefer activities that do something like sports or biking. Exercise for the sake of exercise is painfully boring to me.

  14. I don’t find it enjoyable and I have other stuff I’d rather do with my time. For exercise, I’d rather play a sport or go for a swim than go to a gym. I also don’t really like the idea of having loads of people around watching me do that stuff in a busy gym.
    Mostly I just try to go for regular walks.
    I am pretty lazy with exercise generally though.

    Edit, as I also just responded to another comment, it’s also a lot to learn about how to do it properly which takes a big commitment and I don’t find it interesting.
    Whenever I have tried using weights I ended up hurting myself and doing more harm than good so that put me off as well.

  15. Usually got something going on, rather looking into new companies, new jobs being opened up around me, my own companies and their decisions, trying to look at ways to make another income. Looking at my retirement plans. Debating if I want family and how would I move things finically.

    I mean my free time still work. Like I play videos games 2-3 hours a day. But even tho during those times I catch myself looking at my phone seeing if there is more things I can be looking at.

  16. It did nothing for me but give me permanent stretch marks in the armpits when I tried most seriously. Plus psychological barriers ig

  17. For while it was because I hated the gym environment, people were either loud, obnoxious, hogging a machine and wasting my time, I hated it. When I got my own equipment at home I no longer had the problem.

  18. I have a very physical job that requires walking miles, climbing, crawling and lifting heavy equipment. Then I have to write reports.10-12 hour days. I’m physically and mentally exhausted when I get home.

  19. Used to run 5k 3-4 times a week with 15 mile bike ride once a week. Felt great. Then had a job change and was too exhausted to even think about working out. Another job change back to a desk job I had before and just can’t get back into the groove I had going before. Makes me tired just thinking about it. I partly blame laziness and partly blame age.

  20. Because I find it boring and don’t see the need. I walk a lot, play sports regularly, eat clean (for the most part), so working out isn’t exactly something on my priority list

  21. I can’t/struggle to eat enough so I lose weight I can’t afford to lose and start accumulating injuries.

  22. I don’t gain weight easily so workout to get bigger is problem since I’m 181 cm height with 60-65 kg weight.

  23. I’ve gotten pretty diligent about doing a small handful of exercises I can do at home on a daily basis, so maybe I’m not the target here, but I don’t want to go to the gym because it’s an extra trip and a time sink, and (while it wouldn’t bother me) it’s just not very important to me to get much stronger than I already am (which is like, healthy but not notably strong by any means)

  24. I’m in good shape/health with the exercise I get in a normal day. No need to take up more time with more exercise.

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