I’m californian and I will get the weekly staples at Aldi but I’ll also go by 99 Ranch (asian) or Chavez (mexican) markets to get specialty ingredients. I also don’t get dinner bread at those stores either, I’ll visit a standalone bakery.

  1. I tend to get staples and shelf stable things at Trader Joe’s and get things like bread and produce at either a local produce market which sells bread from a nearby bakery or a small grocery store that sells bread from another nearby bakery.

  2. I rotate between Aldi and Trader Joe’s depending on what I want to buy that given week.

  3. I’ll get cheap stuff that I normally don’t care about quality-wise at Walmart.

    Things like meat, eggs, and other consumables? I’ll get them from a better store.

  4. Multiple. But Shoprite is by far the #1 spot. We don’t really buy meats or pasta there, we get that from an Italian specialty grocery. Wegmans is great for certain things as well.

  5. Multiple. Ralphs is my main since it’s the closest. Sometimes Albertsons coz they have a Starbucks inside and better produce. And Northgate for when I want specific ingredients or wanna pick up ready made food while I’m shopping

  6. * Weekly farmers market for produce, bulk meat, eggs
    * Target as-needed for alot of staples. I will do one big trip every 3-ish weeks but a lot of other things I can just get on my bike.
    * Whole Foods or local butcher for fresh meat. I only buy bacon, steak, or ground beef the day I cook it.
    * Wife goes to Needlers (regional chain) every other week or so.
    * Costco for coffee and cereal

  7. I mostly shop at Fredmeyer because it’s close (and I like them more than safeway), but I’ll shop at Costco, Winco and Trader Joe’s if I head in that direction.

  8. Same. There’s an Aldi, Ralph’s, Costco, and 99 Ranch near me so I’ll go between all 4 depending on what I need.

  9. I usually go grocery shopping every 2-3 days and tend to switch what store I go to. Some stores are better for certain things than others.

    In order of frequency they are: Trader Joes, Market Basket, Whole Foods, Star, Stop & Shop, Wegmans, Roche Bros.

  10. We get our stuff from Food City, Kroger, and Walmart which are the three main grocery stores in the town

  11. We regularly shop at Sprouts, Aldi, Smart & Final (closest to us and small to run in for things), and lately a lot of stops at Amazon Fresh. I like the Scan n Go option and loved Just Walk Out but they’re remodeling so took that out.

  12. I order most of my groceries through PeaPod every week then stop at Stew Leonard’s or Trader Joes for specific items. Then there are specialty things I pick up here and there at various stores.

  13. I usually just go to one (Kroger), unless there’s some kind of hard-to-find specialty ingredient I need.

  14. Yes, I have become my grandparents. I get staples at Aldi, I get whole spices at Asian markets, I get meats from a butcher, I get snacks at Trader Joes, I get produce and perishables at Meijer or a fruit/veggie market. All decisions are to maximize quality and price, I’d rather go without some things than use shitty versions of them.

  15. Market Basket and Trader Joes. I switch off week to week. They both very different items.

    I wish everyone could have both because they are pretty great.

  16. Costco for bulk purchases, anything else at Giant. Looking for something niche, there’s a Wegmans nearby.

  17. I get perishables at Trader Joe’s and other stuff at Target. I like Target’s prices compared to the grocery store prices. And there are 3 grocery stores near me.

  18. When I was still living in California, we had Gelson’s across the street. That location had the best fruits. We got our drinks from Ralph’s, our meats from a mom-and-pop butcher, and coffee from Sprouts.

  19. I shop at several different markets, choosing on the basis of what I’m wanting and other errands I’m running nearby.

  20. I live about three blocks from a grocery store so a lot of my shopping happens there. It’s not a *great* grocery store, but it meets most of our needs.

    I occasionally make a special trip to a fancier whole foods-type grocery store when I need extra stuff. Maybe once a month.

    I get around 50% of my fruits and veggies and certain other things from the weekend farmer’s market. I get all my booze directly from nearby distilleries and breweries. I get all my meat and fish from nearby meat and fish markets. My neighborhood is pretty convenient.

  21. My household is alternating between Walmart (closer) and Hy-Vee. We stop at an Asian market occasionally but it is not nearby.

  22. I go to Aldi &2 regional grocery stores weekly, and occasionally Asian grocery stores further away. I shop according to what’s on sale that week.

  23. For a while, I shopped mostly at Krogers, because we had a nice, huge one with good prices and quality.

    But these days, I split my shopping over at least four different stores due to prices and selection being better or worse on certain items. The massive decline and availability in generics over the last 5-10 years has really sucked too.

  24. Costco/Sam’s club for a lot of dry/frozen bulk goods and household supplies.

    Walmart for most of everything else besides product

    Publix often for produce and more niche items not sold anywhere else locally.

  25. Basic weekly grocery run is usually at Aldi. If I need things that Aldi doesn’t carry, I’ll pick up the weekly groceries at Meijer instead. I pick up bulk staples, paper products, etc. about once a month at Costco. We pick up specialty supplies for Indian or SE Asian dishes or Mexican dishes as needed at the Asian or Mexican grocery store.

  26. Multiple. Costco, Sprouts, and an independent local market (kind of pricey but closest to my house and very good stuff) are our usual go-tos. Also go to the farmer’s market pretty regularly and every other week I get a farm box of produce from a CSA co-op. (I’m getting my box today, in fact!)

  27. Definitely more than one. There are two that are staple stores of mine and a couple more that are also in the que. Plus a nearby bakery and a nearby farmstand.

  28. I don’t have time and inclination to run all over creation grocery shopping. I get all my groceries from Walmart once a week.

  29. I hop between Target, Whole foods, and a local grocery store for everything. They are all located super close to one another so its easy for me.

  30. There are like 4 things I buy basically every time I get groceries and there is not one single store in my town that carries all 4, so I always end up going to more than one. It is extremely irritating.

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