Have a date with a guy who is skinny and has never seen my curvy body (hourglass type) since I don’t post pictures of my body so hella nervous.

Edit: this is why I love this sub. You all are awesome, thank you for all the responses so far <3

  1. You shouldn’t be nervous at all. Many guys love curvy girls. For me it’s all about the curves.

  2. How kind she is, smart, hard working, and fun. Big boobs too. 🙂 Married 13 years!

  3. Her personality her attitude and she was just cute as hell mine is very short so i think thay makes her a short stack i love her more than anything i wouldnt trade her for 100 skinny ckicks

  4. In the immortal words of Sir Mix-A-Lot… When a girl walks in with an itty bitty waste and a round thing in ur face u get sprung! My SO is curvy and she is the best. In all seriouseness though GL, ur gonna kill it!

  5. For me I always like someone who is realistic. I’m not going to spend hours in a gym so I’m not going to expect my wife to either. I’ll fluctuate in my weight and so will you. Be yourself. Be confident in yourself. And just have fun. Find if you connect with more stuff than just in physical appearance.

  6. Aside from an amazing personality, awesome sense of humor, and a mind like a steel trap? She’s absolutely gorgeous, has a beautiful smile, and the curves are in all the right places!

  7. Im a big guy, down there.

    She can take a pounding without getting hurt.

    That is all.

  8. I’m not a “skinny” guy but I’ve never really been about thin women. Curves are sexy as hell and just say ‘feminine’ to me. Also probably cliche, but I’ve always been about the personality anyway. So a woman with a great personality with some curves is my ideal.

  9. My wife was extra padded when I met her. I was going to the gym so was toned.

    I loved her curves.

    We got divorced and she had surgery and now is thinner than me.

    I love her but I love her other body.

  10. Their body. Isn’t hourglass the body shape men like the most? It’s definitely my favorite.

  11. Wife has some curves as do most women. Never was an issue.

    I was attracted to all of her. Her curves were just icing on the cake

  12. Beyond the voluptuous curves, it’s the face. Cute face is a deal breaker

  13. To me my wife just radiates sex appeal. I wanted her, the moment I met her. Also:Boobs.

  14. I like curves myself. But often my initial attraction is personally, intelligence, and maturity.

  15. Post at least one full body picture on your profile, plenty of men out their who’d prefer a curvy girl over a skinny one.

    On the other hand if it’s not obvious from your bio you’re a curvy girl it’s going to give you and your potential dates disapointment when it turns out he’s not into curvy girls.
    It’s better to be upfront so you both know what to expect, if he sees you’re a curvy girl and still swipes right you have one thing less to worry about when you’re going on a date. That way you just have to focus on being you instead of trying to figure out if he’s going to deny you a 2nd date or ghost you because he was hoping for someone skinny.

  16. Do you mean curvy as in smaller waist and wider hips or a gentler way to say overweight? Because the first is very popular nowadays.

  17. How about everything–your curves, your sexiness, the way every part of your luscious body feels–wow I don’t have enough time to explain. Love your body–the right man will too.

  18. Internal monologue: Don’t say gravity.

    Me: *sweats*… her sparkling personality.

  19. Honestly I’ve always wanted to be bigger but the struggle is real. Maybe psychologically that had something to do with it? My wife weighed a fair amount less when we got together, but I still found her attractive in how she dressed, carried herself, and she was extremely cute.

    Honestly, it’s all in how you carry yourself and act. A girl can be heavier, but carry it well. If she acts overweight and like she’s uncomfortable, then it’ll show. If she acts like she’s just built bigger but ready to take on life, it’ll show. I definitely believe there’s a point of too much as far as a stomach goes, but a girl can get by with probably more than she realizes. I also think wearing clothes that highlight best features help too.

    Now there are plenty of guys that will disagree with me and say nothing more than average build, but there are certainly plenty of guys out there who will agree with me also.

  20. I’m single as fuck but I like them curvy. Simply put I have a sickness for the thickness

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