Guys who flip the bird in their dating profile pictures, why?

  1. They didn’t take that picture for that purpose, but it’s the one that they have. It’s lazy but honest at least.

  2. Aww, they’re just letting us know a little about themselves!

    “cUz I doN’t gIVe A fuCKkk” is gonna get you *exactly* the matches you deserve; don’t worry lol

  3. They’re insecure about how they look, how much money they make, their lack of education, social status, etc

    So they overcompensate by projecting the aloofness, the disdain, and their detachment from societal norms in hopes of attracting a mate. They don’t have many other qualities women typically find attractive, so it’s all they’ve got left

  4. Because they’re “edgy” (spoiler alert: edgy actually means disappointingly predictable)

  5. So they can show you how big their knuckles are (because they drag them on the ground when the walk).

  6. Bc it’s funny and dumb. And likely vets out the boring, negative people who would get butthurt by something so dumb

    Likely, I imagine, the same reason as the girls who do it in they’re pics

  7. Cause the chicken will burn if they don’t flip it. If you want someone who can’t barbecue properly just say so.

  8. Short answer: they’re insecure and don’t know how to pose (especially their hands) so it seems “cool” to flip off the camera

    Long answer:

    As someone that takes photos for paid gigs (and have had lots of times where my photos end up being used in dating profiles) dudes are pretty bad in terms of naturally posing and feeling authentic in their photos

    Which makes sense; boys aren’t typically presented as being objects to be presented to others, so unlike women they aren’t as used to having their photo taken. WHEN their photo is taken, a lot of times it’s done either in a negative context, or one that feels forced and they don’t have any control. See family photos, class photos, or say them having a photo taken with their SO during an event

    This leads some to viewing a camera being pointed at them, as an opportunity for rebellion. To add onto insecurities, these types that lack confidence also turn to media a lot for role models and they usually gravitate towards the rebel, anti-hero type. They view them being mysterious, and not following the rules as cool and want to emulate that

    They neglect to realize in the real world, no one sticks around someone who’s emotionally unavailable who can’t convey their emotions to others. And sure, flipping off the camera was a faux pax (and from an immature perspective, funny) when you were a teenager. But you doing that in your late 20’s doesn’t garner the same reaction

    Honestly, there’s a rabbit hole for this in regards to portrait photography and how to get someone to be their authentic self while having their photo taken

    Anecdotally, it’s why you see so many men end up having a “me holding fish” photo in their dating apps.

    While it’s not necessarily the best photo for a woman, there’s lot of reasons why men like these types of photos. It allows them to show genuine happiness, it shows an accomplishment that they did. It allows them to hold something so they don’t fiddle with their hands and overall, the person feels happy and confident, which helps in subtle ways like body language and posture

  9. Saddest part is they probably get laid more then the average Joe lol. He’s so confident! Such a bad boy… Sigh.

  10. Cause they think it makes them look badass, tough and cool when in reality. It makes them look cringe and off putting.

  11. Even as a bloke I think it’s cringe, especially when I see women doing it, it’s like yeah… left swipe.

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