I moved in to a college dorm for the first time recently and I’m not really having a good time.

The first night my school hosted a little party thing and my roommates all chugged some alcohol before going. I was very skeptical and only had a small sip because of how they looked at me when I said no.

They were so much more social with other people, I just kind of stood there awkwardly.

Then they went to a frat party after that and invited me, but I thought I would probably have to drink a lot more to have fun, so I denied. I also just didn’t really have the energy for all that, it was like already 11.

Apparently they all bonded a lot that night and now they all have a group chat without me and they talk about drinking and partying some more.

I tried going to another event with my roommate and I tried to loosen up a bit, but when I started dancing some girls laughed at me. When I told my roommate I wanted to head out early, he kept insisting I stay. Eventually he started talking to random people again and I got tired of standing there awkwardly so I left. Then he got angry at me after and called me fake.

I’m not really sure what to do. I have like a whole semester left and I’m not having any fun. Is there something wrong with me?

1 comment
  1. The only thing wrong with you is that you give too many fucks. I can relate.

    The solution is to go out and talk to as many people as possible even when you don’t feel like it. Even when you have nothing to say. You are making this situation too heavy. A better night would be to go out, have 10 times the people laugh at you or reject you, and still feel like a boss.

    We are billions of people man. And you are letting 2 girls who probably don’t even remember your face by now bring you down?

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