I have a weird ass question coming from guy whose first experience was BBW. I had oral sex with her and on my first experience, I didn’t notice any pungent smell from her vagina. But during my experiences after the first one, I could smell it and its very strong which stops me licking her down there. Mind you that she stays very very clean and she is super hygiene freak.
Is it normal with BBW?
Other reason I could think of she produces a lot of lube and could that be the cause of the strong smell?

  1. Some women just have a strong smell and taste. Probably her diet or her natural chemistry.

  2. The smell and taste vary based on where she is in her cycle, her natural microbiome, and can change if her pH is off or she has an infection.

  3. Try having sex with her in the shower. That worked for me when I had sex with this one girl who had the same issue.

  4. If she smelled normal the first time you hooked up, you don’t think there’s a possibility that you having sex with her messed up her ph balance? Are you having sex with a condom or without?

  5. When she gets out of the shower she could not be fully drying. Bigger people will trap water and moisture. Using a blow dryer to get truly dry.

    Former big person.

  6. Very precise question but did you do PIV? and you came inside of her? Because if so, that could be a reason. When a guy comes inside of a girl unprotected, the semen being alkaline, it throws off the PH balance of the girl and it can cause BV which is often noticed by its strong unpleasant smell. It could also be because of your saliva, if you did not brush your teeth and your tongue before oral sex, the bacteria on your tongue and inside your mouth could have possibly thrown off her PH balance.

  7. Yes I have had the same experience with a bbw, shit stank! I was holding my nose as she rode me, crazy experience.

  8. Everyone here is pointing out a lot of interesting possibilities, but ignoring the simple one. Maybe she just washed better in preparation for the first time, and her hygiene isn’t quite as good as you’d think on the daily.

    Like yes, hormones can change her scent, where she’s at in her cycle, the addition of other fluids, but it’s not likely to go from “unnoticeable” to “so pungent I couldn’t be near it” unless she has an infection (another possibility). Most likely she just made sure she cleaned better the first time. Have a conversation about it and let her know you WANT to want her, but there’s something going on with her smell that she needs to look into.

  9. some girls/women just have a stroger scent snd taste. Either you like it or not 😉 I do like it, but it took me some time to realize.

  10. Some woman have a strong distinct smell and some woman have a faint smell gotta find the smell you like lol the woman I’m with during sex and when she turned on her pussy smells strong and amazing to me I love after I go down on her her smell stays on me… or if we have sex during the day I keep her smell on my dick. Idk just turns me on

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