We weren’t officially dating or doing stuff together. However we have spoke in person a few times, pretty long conversations. This was a new girl I met recently. It was hard to tell if she was really into me, but signs point to yes. She would initiate interaction most of the time, smile a lot, keep good eye contact with me without breaking it. I got her flustered a few times as well, like she lost her composure around me and got nervous in a happy kind of way. The conversations were natural, it felt like I was talking to a good friend, I didn’t have to be someone I was not, I could be myself and we got along well. She seems to be somewhat shy but also not at the same time if that makes sense? Either she likes me or is only being polite and just wants someone to pass the time with. The weird thing that happened is suddenly she began avoiding me after these few interactions. I can’t recall saying anything that would have offended her. I didn’t say anything weird. At least I don’t think I didn’t. But yet, suddenly she changed her behavior completely around me. She is nowhere to be seen anymore, she hasn’t talked to me since. Despite her being the type of person to initiate, which is even more strange. It’s not that I didn’t make any effort around her, I spoke a lot and made her feel valued. Which is why i’m even more confused about her actions. What would cause her to carry herself in this way, should I say something to her or completely ignore and assume disinterest at this point?

  1. Her and her ex got back together. She used you to occupy her time til he decided to act right

  2. She could have gotten cold feet. A lot of people talk themselves out of potential relationships because they over-worry they’re going to get hurt. Or have anxiety and freeze up around their crush once they find out their crush’s feelings are mutual. I can relate to how frustrating it can be to deal with, but such is life. If I were to give advice: give her space and time, and don’t hold on too much to the thought of things working out.

    However, the real answer is nobody knows for sure. The Reddit immediate responses of “she got back with her ex” or “she was never interested” are typically not the case and are from very jaded and jealous people. You have the best idea of why she’s acting this way, and I strongly suggest trusting your intuition with this one.

  3. You said that she is the one to usually initiate contact, so I must apologize for making this assumption. Have you tried being the one to initiate?

    If you did not, she probably feels like you’re not interested in her and decide to withdraw.

    If you did, then there would be an astronomical amount of possibilites. From her losing interest to problems that are not related to you like work and family.

    My advice is that you just communicate but in a non confrontal manner. Reserve your judgement for now, avoid cornering her, and allow her to explain herself.

    But also communicate in a non people pleasing manner. I wouldn’t say things like “did I do something wrong” as it paints you as insecure and in need of her reassurance.

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