I have this classmate at college who occasionally approaches me and talks to me but with the most blank expression ever, meanwhile with other girls and guys in my class I can see him smile and be more outgoing. Even if I smile he just keeps a straight face and seems tense. Half the time I get ignored if I say something, I don’t even speak quitely so I doubt him not hearing me would be the reason. By this point I’d think he just doesn’t like me as a person and move on but then why would he try to talk to me at all then lmao

for reference it’s my first semester so I barely know my classmates so yeah

conclusion: socializing is draining rip

  1. Maybe the tension is nervousness because he thinks you are cute. Nervous guys may be so worried about not screwing it up that they miss everything you say. He seems to approach you first, so it seems like he likes you.

    The blank face is natural if is he’s thinking about a million ways not to screw up. Facial expressions tend to drop when the the mind is thinking hard.

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