Gonna try to keep this short. I (F27) Have been seeing a guy we’ll call Trevor (M27) for the past 2 months or so casually. Trevor and I grew up together. Our parents and grandparents are best friends and had we always had a good friendship.
Trevor and I first slept together 5 years ago and it was a one time thing and he actually ghosted me after, because he thought I told his mom we were dating, which I did not. I just happened to be in the same room as he and his mom and he was acting weird so she made assumptions.
He has hit me up a few times over the last 3 years, but I recently started babysitting his sister’s children and so I’ve been forced to see him a bit more, so I took the bait and he asked if I’d like to be “fwb” I just recently got out of a relationship and I miss the connection, so I went for it. One of his conditions was that what we do is our business and he didn’t want it to be weird around his family or mine. Shortly after our first time hooking up, Trevor’s grandfather died. They were very close and he took it very hard. As I already mentioned, our families are very close so I started trying to be more emotionally there for him. He started letting his guard down, and I found out from other family and mutual friends I was the only person he’s been talking to. I supported him at the funeral in front of both of our families and after things from the funeral died down we started hooking up again, but it’s just…different. It feels like there is more emotion there, more connection. We now cuddle, and I’ve stayed over a few times, there’s lingering hugs and kisses if I don’t stay over, just overall very touchy and we are in constant contact during the days I don’t go see him, and while it started out only seeing him on his days off work, I now see him on work nights as well.
I asked him point blank the other day if things were good for him. That he still wasn’t looking for a relationship, and checking too see if I was being “too much” or if the constant conversation was draining. He said he’s not looking for a relationship still, but is perfectly happy, enjoys spending time with me, and that everything is fine.
From knowing Trevor basically my whole life and having a close relationship with his older sister I know things. I know he has NEVER been in a serious or no serious relationship. He has never had a girlfriend and to his sister’s knowledge I am the only woman he has slept with. She and his mom both actually thought he was gay for some reason. I also know his parents and most familial relationships modeled for him have been very turbulent, and I don’t know if maybe that has something to do with it. I just get mixed signals and *feel* like he has feelings, I just don’t know how to be sure.

TLDR: close childhood friend, hooking up but helped him through grief and now it feels different. He still says he doesn’t want a relationship but is acting like a boyfriend behind closed doors

  1. I’d take him at his word and stop seeing him, because what he’s doing isn’t fair to you.

  2. He’s said no so take him at his word. If you are happy with things go with as is. If not end it.

  3. Just because a guy enjoys cuddling with you doesn’t mean he wants a relationship with you. He’s just enjoying the emotional support. When he finds someone he’s actually interested in having a relationship with, he will move on. When a guy tells you he doesn’t want a relationship, believe him.

  4. The only thing you can do now is to break it off with him. If you want a relationship with him – for your own sanity break it off, stop having sex with him, and stop giving him gf benefits. Cut off as much contact with him as you can and give him an opportunity to really miss you and see what his life is like without you.

    If he truly wants you he will come back. But if he does come back, only start it up again if he’s willing to commit. If he doesn’t come back, you haven’t wasted anymore time with him. And yes, it will hurt, bc it sounds like you really like him, but you’ll thank yourself in a years time when you haven’t wasted time wanted more from someone who withheld it from you.

    Even if you think he genuinely has commitment issues, don’t sign yourself up for the misery to try and be the one to fix it. Only he can do it.

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