How do you get attractive women?

I still haven’t figured this out. I go out every weekend and I’ll often see hot women. Sometimes they’ll give me this seductive look, but I never do anything about it. So I know they show interest. But when I finally build up courage, some other guy beats me to it. I end up lowering my standards and settling for less. I’ll talk to a girl I’m not that attracted to and I end up feeling defeated and my needs don’t get met.

It’s like whenever I go to a bar and see an attractive woman. Every other guy has the same exact idea as me. We’re all competing for the same girl, and it’s nerve wracking. When I finally get to approach them, it’s like I have to pull a rabbit out of my ass to impress them. I have to find a way to set myself apart from all the other guys vowing for her attention. And I know I won’t be the tallest, funniest, or have the best personality than other guys. So it’s hard to stand out among the crowd.

I find it’s not just like this with bars. Dating apps are the same way. Hot women get tons of matches and it’s hard to get their attention. They’ll often have super high expectations and don’t feel the need to contribute to the conversation. They’ll have multiple men trying to message them. So once again you have to stand out and be different. It’s hard to set up a date with them. They have little from for error. Say one wrong thing and you’re blocked.

Even if you’re cold approaching them in real life. More often than not, they’ll have a boyfriend. They won’t hesitate to ignore you and walk right past you. Or maybe they’ll give you a fake number just to get away. They also very seldom will approach men because they have options.

I just don’t know how to get better with hot women. I’m almost 30 and haven’t figured it out yet. I’ve gotten lucky a couple times. But it hasn’t stuck. And I realize it won’t be easy. It’s like being rich, every other guy wants the same thing. It’s hard to deal with competition. But I’m just tired of lowering my standards with women. I feel bad for leading them on. And if I’m not attracted to them, it won’t work. Sadly I’ll continue to settle unless I figure it out.

  1. you have to see the look and approach within a few seconds, or the moment is gone forever! you have to be someone they want to be with, lifestyle, interesting activities, money, good physical fitness, not be boring.

  2. You’re going to have way better chances in person than on a dating app.

    But you pull “hot” women the same way you pull other women. They are the same.

    I’ll let you in on a secret too..

    Most women don’t want their man to be better looking than they are 😂

    If you really want something , just go for it.

    If a girl likes you, it because she decided she likes you, not because you made her like you. That make sense?

  3. Five second rule, my man. You see an attractive women giving you IOIs (or even if she doesn’t) go and talk to her NOW.

  4. > I’ll often see hot women. Sometimes they’ll give me this seductive look,

    She’s choosing you.

    >When I finally get to approach them, it’s like I have to pull a rabbit out of my ass to impress them.

    If you go to impress them then you aren’t approaching this correctly.

    >And I know I won’t be the tallest, funniest, or have the best personality than other guys. So it’s hard to stand out among the crowd.

    That’s simply not true.

    >Even if you’re cold approaching them in real life. More often than not, they’ll have a boyfriend.

    That happens when you have zero game.

    That used to happen to me when I was 20 wiht some girls. Now I’m older women don’t tell me whether they have a boyfriend or not.

    > They also very seldom will approach men because they have options.

    Women never approach men but they do put themselves in a position where the man can easily make a move. For instance I am very tall and my eyeline is above everyone else so some women will actually bump into me on purpose so I can see them. Its called the proximity effect. I wished I had known this all my life.

  5. I’ll let you in on a little secret. You can talk to any women you like. You don’t need to wait for anything, just walk up to them and start a conversation.

  6. How can you get “more attractive women”….

    Can you define what makes someone attractive to you?


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