TD;LR – i just want to know how guys think of girls, who are your fwbs, that have never initiated.

Would you feel like ‘she might not enjoy the sex enough’, ‘did i do something wrong?’, or ‘did i make her feel uncomfortable?’?

Or would you think that’s normal cuz the society has taught women not to initiate?

  1. Yeah, if I was in an FWB situation and the girl just never initiated, I would become probably a little insecure on the way she feels about me. Because guys, like girls, want to feel sexually desired. We want to feel wanted. And we would hope that the person we’re seeing sexually is comfortable enough to want to actually initiate things. However, society has conditioned women so hard that they never have to initiate for anything. Not for dates, not for sex, not for anything. Which shouldn’t even be a thing in the modern world. Now more than ever are we equal as people. And I think that’s starting to become clear, because there are women who initiate, but you will often just find women who won’t ever initiate because they believe initiating is always the job of the Man, which is a little unfair in my opinion.

  2. Frankly I would assume they’re not interested and are to intimidated/avoidant of confrontation to tell me. Why would you not initiate sex unless you didn’t want to have sex at all?

  3. I am the opposite, I always initiate. He never sends me a message asking, it’s always me – which to other comments makes me feel needy.

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