So, i started dating my gf (both 20) about a month ago and her parents invited for dinner “to question me”.

Before I went my gf told me her stepdad (she knows him for 1 month) was handsy on her butt, but her mom said she should’ve said something if she doesn’t like it. So naturally im a bit disgusted by this man, but she told me he stopped and she views him as her father.

So i meet the whole family, even infront of me he loved to grab her waist, and he still waves his hand as if about to slap her ass as a joke (he doesn’t slap her butt, idk how to explain this better), infront of me, and i flinched i couldn’t believe it, i let it go for awhile, but then i told him hands off her hips. Her mother saw this and said something like “wow you wouldn’t expect this behaviour from him” (meaning me, telling a big much bigger than me to back off), whatever, we sit down on the sofa, chat a bit and i go home, i ask my gf if that whole thing was alright, and she said sure she understands me “im your girl” but she trusts him.

Flashforwards today, my gf told me, i got 20 minutes to get ready for a trip with them, i tell her I won’t make it, i mean it’s 20 minutes. So i wish them a nice trip and then i get a pic from her mother, “your sweetheart sends her regards” and its this stepdad holding my gf by the waist with his head on her boobs. She’s smiling.

And I’m like, this is clearly some sort of provocation, i tell her mother this is innapropriate, shameful, she can’t protect her daughter from creepy stepdad, i told her about the assgrabbing, she denied it, said nah it was just hips, and im like…. Still weird…. Then she proceeded to take 3 new photographs with them hugging and everything both smiling showing that they are having a jollyy time.

My gf then told me she can’t continue this relationship, after things i said.

  1. If you are bothered with the actions of her father to her, then let go. Because that will continue and youll be bothered by it endlessly

  2. This is a weird and creepy story. If your girlfriend is alright with it though, as weird as it is, then there’s nothing you can do. I’d honestly just get the hell away from this family.

  3. I’d be breaking up with her if they’re all this weird tbh.
    A massive army of red flags here.

  4. You need to tell your gf that this is inappropriate, abnormal, and not healthy for her at all. Then be done with it. When she’s ready to come to terms with it she can ask for help herself.

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