Self care is important! No matter how small, what are you doing to recharge your battery?

I spent the morning wrapped in my favorite blanket reading a Bruce Springsteen autobiography. I’m not a fan of his music, but it was recommended to me, and I’m originally from New Jersey so I have to know more about “The Boss”.

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    * Jerking off
    * Drinking by myself, while listening to music or watching a movie
    * Reading books

  2. started reading at night instead of watching tv, find myself falling asleep a lot faster/easier

    saw something about 5to9 online so i’ve been getting up super early and stretching with 20 to 40 mins of yoga, playing beat saber/supernatural on vr, meditating, eating a good breakfast, taking care of personal stuff—-and then making my way to work.

    trying to get back into going to gym. helps that son is 17 and starting to get into it to.

  3. Drinking more water, a regular sleep time and basically just trying to be nicer to people, even if I’m in a bad mood or whatever. It feels counter-intuitive but if I’m grumpy, just being kind to someone makes me feel better, it’s like I’m forcibly sending seratonin in to fight off the gloom.

  4. Prioritizing consistent high quality sleep. It is the basis for mental and physical health. When I don’t sleep well, I feel like shit, I eat like shit, I perform like shit. When I practice good sleep hygiene before bed (no screens before bed, relaxing activities, breathwork or progressive relaxation) I sleep better, I recover better, I feel better. I try to be consistent with my wake up times and bedtimes so my body has a natural rhythm to life. Nothing can replace a good nights sleep.

  5. Engaging seriously with a search for a therapist. It’s complicated but I’m doing it.

  6. Hardly touched my computer the last few days. Been playing games on my switch and drinking wine and honestly, this is the most relax I’ve been in a while.

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