Is there any way to get someone to recognize they’re gaslighting me, or to help them so they wont anymore? Or should I leave the relationship?

  1. Personally, id leave. Most people i talk to wouldnt accept such a thing to be said of them and will not change

  2. Get out. Gaslighters will not change. It’s their way of manipulating you. After 20 years of marriage my (now ex-) wife started gaslighting me like crazy. Even accused me of gaslighting her because I didn’t want an open relationship. You’ll eventually see their raging narcissism. Leave and do not look back.

  3. My ex gas lighted me all of the time. With this kind of thing, you must be very direct. As soon as the gas lighting begins…. You stop them, and tell them no. That you will not be gas lighted. Period. You tell them the facts, and say that they need to take accountability for themselves and what went down. Then warn them that if anything more is said to deviate from reality in an attempt to manipulate you, you will walk off. Period. You won’t do it. (Then you need to do exactly this). Either they can take accountability for themselves and acknowledge choices, or they can take the manipulation and be alone. Seriously girl, if the next words out of his mouth can’t do any of this, then you bring him back to reality. “NO. You’re not going to sit here and gas light me” and LEAVE. Do not continue to engage in this type of manipulation. Shut it down!!

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