My friend group fallen because of two reasons: an annoying person who made everything too intense and key members of the group leaving, which is probably temporary, falling apart. After that, everybody started to leave. The last two remaining members were me and another person who weren’t good at starting conversations. How do I get at least a part of the group back together again?

  1. Idk how old you are, but you gotta learn that this will probably happen throughout most of your life. You can’t force stuff like this. Friends come and go. Groups split and others form. If you are still very attached, stay close to the people who mean alot to you. If maybe a smaller group will end up, that’s great. But if not, you can’t do much about it.

    It’s sad and most of us have been through stuff like this, and we end up reminiscing about old fun times. That’s life.

  2. You have to make individual friends within your friend group. Ask someone to do something with you one-on-one.

  3. I’m 33 and I’ve had several or more close friend groups fall to the wayside. Nothing happened really our lives just took us other places. It can be upsetting but trying to glue other people back together rarely works out. I’d keep in contact with the ones that respect you the most.

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