I have found the dating world to be horribly broken. Women are all damaged and really give us men no chance. They all think we just want sex and never try to get to know us. Then being a dad hinders it as well.
Plus I’m not a social person. Also frugal and don’t like the traditional dinner dating stuff. I’m more of an outdoor walk or drive type and cook.
How am I suppose to find a good lady?

  1. How long have you been on the market? I’m sure your frugal, homebody not broken type is out there but it might be harder to find.

  2. They’re out there, but I have found from this sub a lot of the issues are from OLD. Going to local activities might be a better choice.

  3. I think you are going to need Mission-Impossible-NFW. Sorry, I could not help you in any way. Take care.

  4. If this is how you really really feel deep down, this is not a positive or attractive mindset to have when you’re going out meeting people. I’m younger than you but I date men around your age and seeing the glass half full instead of half empty can really make a big difference.

    For example, I could choose to see you as “damaged” because you’re a single dad. OR I could see the positives about dating a man who’s raised a child before and has already had real life experience that you’ve learned from. This is *exactly* how i approach dating single dads and divorced men tbh.

    All women are not damaged. Neither are all men. But dating past the age when people usually get married people have just been through some things that have shaped who they are today and everyone’s on a different part of whatever their healing journey is.

    If you want your dates to see the best in you, try to see the best in them too.

  5. I’m the same. I prefer to be out outside. Dinner dates are awkward. I’ve been single for 2 years now

  6. I’m sad to tell you that every human is broken in some way or another. If you think it’s only women, you need a better mirror. However, they certainly exist. Back when I was dating, I met several of them. Don’t give up hope.

  7. Being cheap and anti-social are probably the two biggest things limiting your dating life, yet you seem to blame being single on women. Some people are damaged, some aren’t; it really has nothing to do with gender.

    My advice is to just get out of the house more, make friends who share your interest in the outdoors, and maybe you will meet women through them. And re-evaluate the type of women you typically go after.

  8. Your attitude toward women is very negative and accusatory. As others have said, the baggage you carry could make others view you as broken so why do the same to women? If your negativity is spilling into your conversations with women, I’m not surprised your single.

    The other issue is that you say your frugal, which, in the long term may be a good thing. But no one wants to go out with someone who is cheap — it sets the tone. If you want to do low cost dates then you have to be sure they are not also low effort. Do the planning, bring a picnic or an activity to do while at a park or going for a walk. Get creative.

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