So 3 nights ago my husband and I were having sex, and when he was ready to cum, he pulled out and cum so close to my privates I could feel the semen on my booty and private. Anyways, as soon as he was finished cumming, he put it back in me for like 15 more minutes until he pulled out.
What he did was purely in the heat of the moment and it felt too good for me to really be concerned, but now I’m really paranoid that he could’ve gotten me pregnant. I’m not on birth control yet but I plan on it soon. I didn’t take plan b, and I am checking my calendar and was on my fertile days, earlier that day I notice I had egg white mucus and back pain, and my sex drive was high, so I assume I was close to ovulation.
What are the possibilities of pregnancy?
Please help..
I’m paranoid but also ok if I get pregnant since I been married for 5 years.
Sorry everyone idk why I wrote last night, this happen 3 nights ago.

  1. I’m a male, so not sure. I feel that there is a pregnancy risk, yes. If you are worried, maybe do take a plan b

  2. That sounds pretty risky to me — the putting it back in part. There is definitely still semen that will continue to leak out of him while he was back inside you. If he had just cum on or near your V that would be a little different.

    I would probably take plan b if you are not ready for pregnancy.

  3. If you are not trying to have a baby right now then you should take plan B. It might not be as effective as when you take it right after but you should. By having a second round he probably brought an x amount of semen inside you. We were not there though, so we cannot express a grounded opinion aside from speculation.

    There’s always a risk of pregnancy whenever you have unprotected sex. It might not be high if you manage to avoid messing around with semen and do it away from your ovulation time, but a small probability can’t be ruled out.

  4. Sperm die when they make contact with the air, so you’re safer than you would have been if he came inside you. But that only helps with the sperm that were directly in contact with the air: with enough ejaculate, he could have easily pushed living sperm into your body.

    There are a few other factors (for example, whether or not you came from the “15 more minutes,”) but the short answer is this is not completely safe. If you’re not 100% open to becoming pregnant, I’d follow the advice of others on this thread who know more about the pharmacology of birth control, and seek out options they recommend.

  5. As others have mentioned, not all sperm is forced out during ejaculation. Some are still hanging around in the urethra and will be slowly dribble out for a while after. There have been a few times I’ve had sex with my wife, taken a shower, gotten dressed and still had some cum leak out into my boxers afterwards.

    Get plan B to be safe if the time to use it hasn’t passed yet.

  6. What are the possibilities of pregnancy?

    Lower than if he didn’t pull out, higher than if he didn’t put it back in.

  7. I got pregnant like that. It definitely wasn’t planned but I remember thinking after that evening screw it if it happens it happens (it took us almost a year of effectively trying for our first 3)
    We definitely wanted another kid it just wasn’t planned. If you’re married and OK with the consequences, even if not planned, it’s best if you just accept that it’s not in your hands anymore and try not worry about it because it is so stressful.

  8. I think this is how most babies are conceived. Congrats on conceiving a baby in the heat of passion.

  9. My second child will be born next month.

    By the way I didn’t even put it back that week I think. It’s just that precum can contain sperm and that’s enough.

  10. Chances are really high. He might have just come inside of you lol, what’s the point of pulling out when you’re pushing everything right back in??

  11. very dangerous to do if youre not on birthcontrol. precum can have some sperm in it, but not much… but if he fucked you for 15 more minutes AFTER orgasm. there are still a lot more swimmers in the tubes that then went straight inro your vagina. like, probably 10s of thousands at least.

  12. Take the plan B, although that only delays the release of an egg for the ovary. If you have already ovulated I don’t think it would work.
    Also it’s important to consider, that the average ejaculation contains between 200-500 million sperm. So if a drop gets in, in that single drop there are still millions of sperm.

  13. Edit to add: sorry to have offended someone enough to down vote this. It was a placeholder really so I could talk to my husband this morning. Sheesh.

    Damn. These replies have me stressed TF out lol.

  14. So essentially, all the conditions were perfect for conception lol. There was certainly cum inside you, you were probably ovulating, you didn’t take plan B, and you’re not on birth control. I’d say chances are high. Guess you’ll find out in a week or two.

  15. Hi everyone, thanks for the reply and advice, the only concerning reason I am worried about pregnancy is mostly because I will have surgery 10/11 and I am paranoid that the test might come out negative and the baby gets affected. I will keep you all posted lol

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