Have a dating question. I’m a white dude that’s 5’11, 180 lbs, very active with a somewhat fit body type, very upfront and open personality and never went to university. I work full time earning close to $100k a year, have my own house, love to travel with a professional camera getting pictures of anything I like. I have a nerdy side also so I attend cosplay events and enjoy turning wrenches fixing things. I know the dating culture has changed so much in the last 10 years so I’ve been dry landing nothing over the last 10 years. I have a 100% rejection rate from the ladies and that’s very consistent. The reasons I’m turned down are 5’11 height is too short, $100k income is welfare level money, up front personality is seen as offensive, someone that never went to university is too dumb to be with, photography, cosplay and turning wrenches are terrible and highly immature interest. My 180 lbs is seen as fat and my BMI needs to be under 5%, I clearly have nothing to show for myself I’m told and just flat out ugly. Some will say I’m aiming too high when I know I’m not because I learned that in my 20’s. I’ve tried my chances with mostly part-time retail workers that still either live with their parents or roomies with three other people. So what are the dating options for a total loser guy like myself besides the street corner late at night or some trailer park in backwoods West Virginia?

  1. 5’11 is not short at all… women have become so picky these days I don’t even understand 😂😂😂

  2. >The reasons I’m turned down are 5’11 height is too short, $100k income is welfare level money, **up front personality is seen as offensive**, someone that never went to university is too dumb to be with, photography, cosplay and turning wrenches are terrible and highly immature interest. My 180 lbs is seen as fat and my BMI needs to be under 5%, I clearly have nothing to show for myself I’m told and just flat out ugly. Some will say I’m aiming too high when I know I’m not because I learned that in my 20’s. **I’ve tried my chances with mostly part-time retail workers that still either live with their parents or roomies with three other people.**

    Umm there’s a lot of unpack here past ‘women being too picky and only wanting men over 6ft’. It sounds like you’re great on paper. It really might be your personality, especially if people have told you it’s offensive. That’s a big deal. And do these PT retail workers know you’re “dating down” because like you said, you think you’re a total loser?

    tldr, try therapy.

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