It could be a good movie overall but specific dialog in a scene that is cringeworthy.

  1. Edit:I just realized you specifically wanted dialog scenes…my bad.

    I like guns. I grew up in a hunting family. Military for 8 years. Needless to say, I have a lot of experience with guns in a hunting or tactical sense. When I see people handling guns in shows or movies and it’s horribly wrong, it makes me cringe. You can tell which actors either didn’t get any kind of training or have never held a gun in their life.

    I am rewatching The Walking Dead and noticed Carl constantly using both index fingers to pull the trigger.

    Noticed Rick acting when it comes to semiautomatic handguns like a Glock and the recoil mimicking that of a revolver.

    People holding the pistol grip of a handgun waaaaaay too low. The constant barrel flagging of other people in the show.

    Darrel was sitting and had the barrel end in the dirt and had his chin on the butt of his M4 rifle. You don’t ever stick the barrel in the ground.

    Either they didn’t hire someone to do some gun training or nobody on set knows anything about guns.

  2. recently i watched Barbie and up to this point I was enjoying the movie for what it is. But there’s a scene where a junior high school kid started going on a whole tirade about how Barbie is sexualized capitalism, consumerism and facisms. Sure, the film is trying to make a point, but to have a tween deliver it like she understands what she’s saying is so dumb. The actress might as well be reading cue cards with how it was delivered. Might as well have a 4 year old tell you how socialism is wrong too. Her character ruined the entire movie for me, and this was a “play it in the background” kind of movie for me.

  3. Military movies get it all wrong. Although I was once told this is on purpose so other countries don’t gather intel on our military through movies.

  4. The show that triggers me the most in terms of dialog is swat tv series and that one firefighter show

  5. When they don’t explain their situation properly and just come up with a very vague version of their story all because the writers have no idea what else to write.

  6. Velocipastor…. For some ungodly reason I decided to watch it the other night. What a shitshow from beginning to end.
    -*SFX of burning car here*.
    -Frankie Mermaid, why do they call me Frankie Mermaid?
    -The hilarious Dino that he turns into.
    -Mannequin heads.
    -Templar Ninjas.
    Just the whole thing felt like a bunch of 15 year olds decided to make a movie with their lunch money, and they made a second one!!

  7. The final lines from the movie V for Vendetta damn near ruined the whole thing for me. To say nothing of the incredible differences between the film and the graphic novel, V was most certainly not “all of us”. He was a vengeance obsessed physically and emotionally mutilated murdering anarchist. He just happened to be the vengeance obsessed physically and emotionally mutilated murdering anarchist England needed right then.

  8. Almost every marvel movie.

    Every line is so perfectly curated to be witty, or dramatic, or uplifting, etc. It’s like none of the characters actually talk to each other. They just take turn giving a micro-speech or making a clever remark.

  9. There’s a scene from the pilot episode of Fear The Walking Dead where Alicia, who is the show’s main teenage character, yells at her parents to stop arguing & she actually says something like “perpetual bickering”, which made me cringe bc no teen would say that in real-life.

  10. Any time characters jump to conclusions that further the plot. Any time characters make comments on details or subjects that just so happens needs to be exactly what the protagonist needs to hear- such as the protagonist could be looking to find a bird that lays yellow eggs, and inexplicably another character that has no idea the protagonist is looking for info on yellow eggs, happens to mention they have a lot of knowledge about the colors of the eggs birds lay. Cheap crap.

  11. The dialog right before the Yoda vs. Dooku fight scene. They didn’t need to speak at that point, just glare at each other and pull out the lightsabers.

  12. Crazy, Stupid Love. When the son makes his speech in front of the audience about love.

  13. This isn’t a specific movie or dialog but I hate how little research producers do before showing someone welding, tattooing or other trades jobs because they are always depicted so poorly.

  14. Every time people end a conversation on the phone/ start a conversation on the phone without saying something. Like what? Even my friends say “Hey ConShawnnery” knowing full well it’s my number and then saying who they are. And everyone I know ends a phone call with a final statement unless you’re pissed off or the signal suddenly drops.

  15. Honestly most of Killing of a Sacred Deer is so unrealistic/alien sounding in the dialogue department. It’s such a far difference from “mumblecore” movies which have a more natural, improvised style of speaking

  16. Pretty much all tje “romantic” gestures in how I met your mother. The 2 main guys are just terrible people.

  17. There was a scene in the show Arrow where the smart hacker character says “there is a teraflop of data to go through” when talking about video files. Closed the tab immediately and never watched a CW show again.

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