Hi. Throwaway

My partner has opened up that he hasn’t felt desired by me for a month or two. We have been together for a year and living together for 10 months.
I have been very stressed lately due to exams being in two weeks and there being a few small problems within our relationship (we are working on those).
Ideally I would like to get him gifts as thats what he loves but we are tight on money.

I don’t have much time as I do spend a lot of time studying because I really need to pass these and didn’t do so well on my internals.
Due to my depression and the stress I am struggling to have much energy to do much other than study.
I try to be physical as much as possible but again thats lacking due to the depression and stress, but I’m working on that. I asked him what could I do but he couldn’t answer. I make sure i am available for him whenever he wants to talk. Even if i have my headphones on (usually the sign i am focussed and don’t really want to be disturbed) i will stop if he wants to talk.
I make sure we always have dinner together and have at least two days a week we spend together, and the other days i will have lots of breaks so i don’t make him feel like he is ignored.
But i am unsure how to show desire? Im not sure if i have previously shown it but i don’t know what behaviours are actually showing desire?
Any advice would be hugely appreciated. TIA.

TLDR: partner told me he doesn’t feel desired by me. Im not sure if anything I’m doing is showing desire and if not then how do i show it?

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