I’m married now and looking back I had no life when I was single. I’m glad it didn’t go on for too much longer. However there are bits I miss such as the freedom.

  1. Single and not dating:
    You have your own place, live by your own rules and your own schedule. You don’t answer to anyone, you don’t have to run anything by anyone and you do what you want when you want. You also have peace and quiet anytime you want. Also no arguments or disagreements.

    Single and dating:
    All of the above except its more expensive, you have less free time and you can get laid with different people.

    There are pros and cons to the single lifestyle and relationships though. I think it comes down to preferences and how good/bad a particular relationship is.

  2. Assuming you would be the primary breadwinner (I always have been by huge margin), more money to spend or save/invest. Well, unless you’re spending that money on sex workers to offset the major downside of being single.

  3. Freedom. I love feeling completely free of obligation to a partner. I can do anything I want as long as it doesn’t negatively impact someone else and it’s awesome.

  4. Loneliness or Freedom? Just depends which is more important to you (at any given time).

  5. Being single is cheap, you can do what you want, and I don’t have to have a life if I don’t want to.

  6. As a man married for nearly 20 years. The benefits of being single would be doing whatever I want when I want, that’s it.

  7. I recently went through a divorce, and I think overall it’s a wash.

    Yeah I have time to invest in myself and into my hobbies. But I miss the little things like sharing a joke or hearing a story you’ve heard a million times, or hearing a fart in another room and going “you okay?” while giggling like a five year old.

  8. It’s Saturday morning and I just woke up. What to do today? I see there is a beer festival not far from home starting in a couple of hours. That’s what I’ll do today.

    I plan nothing in advance. I don’t have to ask anyone if we already have plans for the day. I come and go as I please and don’t have to take into account anyone else’s life/feelings.


  9. Single if you don’t give a shit about dating at all can have some benefits. You only worry about yourself, you do what you want when you want. Nothing is a “joint decision”

    If you care about love and companionship, or even just sex, and then bring dating in, I think that really changes things

    Dating sucks compared to having a great partner. Even casual sex, if that’s all you want, kind of sucks given all of the complexity around it generally

  10. As much as I hate being single, I do enjoy being being able to just do anything I want. I don’t have to worry about my gf getting mad that at 4pm Saturday night, I just decided to go hang out at my friends house for the night, and then sleep over so I don’t have to drive home late at night. Feel like a gf might be less than happy with that.

  11. What ? You had no friends ? Being single is amazing. Being married is great in its own ways, but single is definitely better before 35.

  12. It depends on your partner. Do I LOVE being single? No, I’m not a fan of hookups, but I’d much rather be alone forever than spend a minute with a woman who doesn’t deserve my time, and quite frankly I stopped flirting cause if you need to convince a woman to like you, she never will. However, when women see you as unattainable, they start doing the chasing, and I guess the attention and validation is a great ego boost.

    My favourite part though as Oliver Tree said, “work all day and then I wake up.”

  13. Planning things is always a little bit easier. You don’t need to account for your SO’s schedule and you only have half the family engagements to attend.

  14. I can do anything I want, whenever I want, however I want without wife and kids having a vote

  15. I had more of a life when I was single, which is why I stayed single for a long time.

    Then my friends all got hitched and/or had kids, so then I had no life. Eventually the choice becomes 1) remain single and have no life, or 2) have one friend you occasionally have sex with.

  16. My ex was a FA and a narcissist so I guess the biggest benefit is better mental health and more peace and quiet to myself.

  17. Cheaper taxes where I live, more closet space, unembarrassed farting. That is most of it I guess.

  18. If you are single and you have friends ( who are available), and you are dating, that shit is fun. Your only responsibility is you. You can up and leave as you wish. Your time and money (for both genders) is yours. Also you can kinda of only have sex when you want to, not because you are in a relationship (for those with some sneaky link/FWB)… but also there is the reverse where some people can only or majority of the time only have sex in a relationship

  19. Men do uppaid emotional labor, but we don’t get credit for it. If one is single then they don’t have to worry about someone taking their day out on them, or hearing about problems that they don’t want advice on.

  20. I am married, but if I find myself single again, I will stay that way. No other woman can fill her shoes, or compete with having the house and TV to myself, and the free time I will have for my hobbies – like horseback riding.

  21. You have time. You have money. No need to ask and schedule trying to work with someone else’s schedule. Want to watch whatever is on TV? Play video games? Hang out with friends? You just do it. No one to hold you accountable except yourself.

    Plus it’s quiet. Peace and quiet if you dig that.

  22. the benefits are freedom with a heap of loneliness.

    But better be free and lonely than lonely w someone you dont love nor who doesn’t love you.

    Saturday morning here. Been to gym, mowed the grass, walked the dog. Bored shitless 40 something year old male. Prob will go for a long exercise walk then a massage then retire for the afternoon.

    Im not dating atm and prob won’t for the near future. CBF.

  23. More money. More Time. Don’t have to manage someone elses feelings. Can see as man people as you like or no one at all

  24. Assuming you get with the right person, you should enjoy almost all the same things you enjoy as a single man. I hear some guys complain about how they can’t do xyz because of their partner (can’t watch porn, can’t keep a gun in the house, can’t drink like they used to, can’t dress the way they want, blah blah blah) and I’m like … dude, find you a chick (or dude) who shoots guns, watches porn, and drinks whiskey. Yeah it’s harder to find, but it’s worth it.

  25. My days (outside of work) consist of traveling the world, racing cars, and fine dining.
    I’m also self employed so I decide when I’m outside of work.

  26. As a single man my life is FUCKING. AMAZING. I can do whatever I want. I can sleep with whoever I want. I’m not constantly obligated to do stupid bullshit I don’t want to do. I have total control over my life and am allowed to chase my dreams, without being shamed for not prioritizing a girlfriend/wife/children before myself.

    I absolutely want a family some day- and do not shame anyone who is married (starting a family is probably the single most important, meaningful and beautiful things a man can do), but the amount of guys who fail to realize how incredible being single is is so sad.

  27. 1) No bullshit
    2) No need to pay for unecessary bills
    3) A good night sleep (devoid of drama)
    4) No distraction
    5) Have more time to achieve our personal goals
    6) Gives time to make genuine friends
    7) We can spend time with parents.
    8) No need for sacrificing anything
    9) Have the time to develop right habits to live a better life

  28. Sex with different people is nice and easy and dating is fun. So is staying in alone and just chillin watching a terrible movie and making some maybe not so classy, but tasty food.

    My jerk ass cat is my biggest worry and if I spill ice cream on myself, who cares.

  29. The thing that really surprised me about marriage was my loss of autonomy.Every single thing I did or wanted to do or every penny I spent required a great deal of discussion and negotiation.Now that I’m 40 yrs older and single,I have no idea why I put up with that! (Sex)

  30. I am divorced and happy to be.
    – pros: freedom
    – cons: no sex
    But living in a couple is not a sex ticket either

  31. Doing whatever you want, when you want.

    You dont have to listen to anyone talk to you outside of work if you don’t want to.

    Sleeping around is fun too.

    Travelling. It is hard to travel when you always have to consider a second person.

    Life as a man is *significantly* cheaper when you go places alone.

    If I want to work 60 hrs a week or 10 hrs a week I don’t have to hear complaints about working too much or too little. I can just make money at my leisure.

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