How often do you look at your crushes social media accounts?

  1. My wife uses Facebook once a week to comment “happy belated birthday” on people’s Facebook pages.

  2. I never had a crush but I have looked up girls that I was somewhat intrigued about, at most I take an overview.

  3. I destroyed my Facebook for this exact reason. They can just see who’s been browsing them with a list of suggestions. I’m married. Just not suitable, so I shut it down.

  4. Don’t have one and haven’t had one for a good while, but back when I cared about such desires it was very rarely, it’s none of my business what they do

  5. If I like a particular girl or girls I find myself checking their social media relatively frequently.

  6. Like once ever. Girl I liked in middle school that I never had the balls to ask out I met again (unplanned) at a summer program junior year of hs. We still had good chemistry but before I asked her out I looked up her social media just to see what she was up to over the past 3 years and saw she had a bf.

    That was the one and only time.

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