I [20m] met this girl [18f] at a party a week ago. She approached me and starting dancing with me, and later before I could give her my number she asked for my snap. We ended up hooking up, hanging out, and cuddling most of the weekend, and we learned a good bit about each other.

I thought things went well and she seemed cool so I asked if I could take her out and she agreed and we made plans. Throughout the week we were both busy but texted and snapped each other, and we both mentioned how we were looking forward to the date.

Well we were suppose to do something yesterday evening but didn’t make specific plans because she said she wasn’t sure of an exact time. So I text midday asking her if she still wanted to do something later on. And she sent a picture back but ignored the question. I assumed she just didn’t see it and waited.

I ran into her later at our football game and we talked briefly before I left. Then since it was getting late I texted her again asking if she still wanted to do something. And again she sent a picture back and totally ignored the question.

At this point I’m totally confused.

She approached me first, made the first move, and during the last weekend acted like she was super into me. She let me cuddle in her room with her, and she ended up asking to come back to my place and we hooked up. And she said things that implied she might wanna try something more. Like when her sister came to see her and she joked that we were rushing things since I was already meeting her family.

My gut tells me she just wanted to hookup and is now playing games, but the rest of her behavior is confusing and I wanted to double check I’m not misreading this situation before I cut my losses and stop talking to her.

TL;DR: Girl approached me first, gave hints she was interested in dating me, but now is acting like we never meet and ignoring my attempts to reach out and clarify.

  1. Not worth the games. She’s blatantly ignored you twice. Stop giving her the attention she wants, and maybe then she’ll come around again – If you want a relationship though, probably not the right person

  2. She sounds like the female version of a “Chad” or “Tyron”.

    If it were me, I would move on and try to learn some lessons from the experience, especially if there is a desire of wanting a long-lasting relationship.

    If she reaches out to you later on, be wary. You know what she’s all about….and you don’t know where she’s been, if you catch my meaning.

  3. If I were you, I’d probably surprise her with the most direct “what’s going on between us?” question. In the future, depending on the veracity of her answer, I would have already decided. But that’s just my experience.

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