My now ex broke up with me on Monday morning over the phone and basically hung up on me and didnt want to hear anything I had to say. Hes EXTREMELY STUBBORN. the most stubborn person i have ever met. I still feel like it isnt over. Idk why. It doesn’t seem real. I texted him tonight saying i would like to talk sunday. He didn’t answer. not a simple yes or a no just left me on read. I kind of want to just show up at his house sunday night. And i know its crazy but i feel like its the only way im gonna be able to say what I have to say and get my closure.

  1. Don’t do it. Never give a moment of your time to someone who doesn’t want it. No matter how you hope it’ll turn out, you will not feel like you got a sense of closure. In fact, chances are you’ll feel worse because you gave time to someone who didn’t want or appreciate it. I’m sorry it didn’t work out. I really am. Breakups are extremely difficult. But you’ll get through it much better if you hold your head high and try move on without doing this or harboring negativity

  2. All right, this is difficult for me because I was in the same position as you, however let it breathe if I can state anything if you are not your ex, you don’t know what’s going on with them or your partner I don’t know if your his ex yet or not! The basic parts of what you’re talking about is the boundaries he settings for you, but for himself and for all, you know, it could be something good I made horrible mistakes by just showing up and my family that was typical and normal of us just to stop in. Why when we seen a basic problem with it it’s a huge overstepping your boundaries for families that don’t have that or people that don’t I come from a very close family a large, close family we all know each other‘s business we all know where each other are so it was instilled in our upbringing, my ex who is still the love my life is that these boundaries in place not only because he setneeded them but because he needed to be able to trust me that I would keep them and I didn’t so as he says to me just give him a day or two and let him breathe. Let him think about it. Let him miss you, if you guys are meant to be you’ll be if not then you’ll find out but trust me nine times out of 10 is it that’s wrong that you want to see him all the time it’s not over and never has been. Also sidenote, take this time for yourself we lose our self in our relationship so much that we forget the things we enjoy as he pointed out to me and he was absolutely correct. I’m finding enjoyment in things that I have not done in the longest time in my life and some of that it’s just being by myself, I wish you all the best and if you have thoughts or feelings that you just wanna blurt out I recommend keeping a journal so when Cameron wants to read mine when that time comes he can. it’s all about him and us anyway so eventually yours will get yours read too! Let it breathe

  3. Your ex is a 61yr old man who suffers with anxiety …and you’ve posted you are 36yrs old some days…and 43 on other days. You guys are on and off regularly. Leave it be. You’re old enough to know how to handle conflict in a healthy way. If you truly want to say what’s in your heart for closure then write a letter and mail it. Otherwise, this behavior sounds stalkerish.

  4. I just want my readers of the fairer sex to know, that while it’s less frequent, there still are moments when us dudes might fear for our lives in the context of dating. This here is one such example of a situation that would inspire such feelings of terror.

  5. Insane. Closed. Trespass. Police. Jail. Protective Order. Court. Restraining Order.

  6. In my opinion, showing up at his place is NOT what you should do. Technically, he could call the police on you for trespassing.
    The relationship sounds like it could be toxic and the best thing to do is move on and focus on yourself. He’s not being respectful to you or your feelings. Someone who makes you feel the need to show up at their place unexpectedly is not a good fit.
    Instead of showing up at his house, I recommend enrolling in therapy. You could do this online through
    All the best to you! You’re strong. You got this!
    “The best revenge is no revenge. Heal. Move on. Be happy.”

  7. This SHOULD have upvotes because a lot of times people are in situations where they want to do this and they need to read about reasons why they shouldn’t.

  8. Don’t go, he doesn’t like you. Tell yourself that over and over until you believe it if that works. Ask yourself why exactly you like him. You can’t make him like you. People break up all the time and by you acting on your crazy behavior it will feed into more crazy behavior in the future. By obsessing over him You might be blocking your future potential partner. Also, by forcing his hand your relationship may become toxic and abusive. Then you’ll become bitter and hateful. Move on, from a person who has been through it and knows. I didn’t have guidance, so I had to learn the hard way.

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