I was very in love with a boy who dumped me almost two years ago.I’m still not over it. It’s pathetic I know, but I loved him so damn much.I think the reason I can’t get over it is because I can’t forgive myself. My insecurities got in the way. I didn’t feel good enough for him and eventually he believed I wasn’t too. So he left. I don’t blame him.I’m still pretty broken up about it and dating is hard for me.

Having social anxiety doesn’t help either.

I’ve been involved with three boys the past two years. The first guy I was really into, he liked me too, but he also liked his 3 other girlfriends.

The second guy was cool at first. Until his girlfriend I didn’t know about started sending me messages threatening to kick my ass. The guy turned out to be an asshole and thought it was funny that his girlfriend was doing this to me. He continued to call and message me for months. I wouldn’t reply or answer but his girlfriend would decide to get mad at me anyway.

The third guy was very sweet. Were friend, but I couldn’t feel anything for him.

When a guy I’m really attracted to approaches me, I immediately put a stop to it. Not on purpose. It’s kind of out of my control. My insecurities go crazy and I freak out. All my mistakes replay, I loose control of my words.

A really cute guy asked me out a few months ago, a guy that I really would have liked to spend time with, but the shock of it made my mind go into a frenzy and I just lost it. I started having a panic attack, my words ran together and then I could hear myself and became so incredibly embarrassed. So I just left. Just walked away because I was such a wreck.

I think about that moment a lot, and what would have happened if I had been able to be a normal person and speak to him. Oh well.

Dating seems impossible for me right now.

For the time being I’m just trying to accept my inevitable lonely life. It reall

  1. I’m not of much help but I just wanted to say,

    Reading your post makes me feel better,
    I’ve also had a lot of failed relationships, just recently a girl was really into me, but she just changed so I had to let her go.
    Stuff like that,

    So reading your post was like,
    They had their own reasons kinda shit
    So made me feel better about my own rejections.


  2. It can affect you, your past relationships I mean. Me I’ve never been with anyone yet but when I’ve asked out girls they just seem to not care. That’s why I’m more focusing on me and gaining confidence so when I do want to date I’ll be able to cope and embrace it. Don’t give up girl, might seem impossible but there is fish in the sea but sometimes you have to take care of yourself.

  3. Focus on fixing why you’re still anxious and broken hearted before trying to date. You can heal, you can improve.

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