Gentlemen: On a logical view, how do you see marriage evolving into in the future?

  1. I see it becoming less and less important which would be a continuation of the current trend.

  2. It’s not going to disappear completely, certain religious groups will continue to support it and use it but in the west in particular it will dwindle and then plateau, probably at about 20% of the pop, maybe 15%

    I’m not Nostradamus, I’m just a nameless schmuck, so heck if I know.

  3. It’s trending downward and it’ll stay that way for a while. Religions and the right will herald this as the end of all society, but it’ll just be people living together without the government’s approval (gasp).

    I’m very happy in my marriage, but I totally get why young men are women are opting out. Gotta look out for yourself. Maybe we’ll see a birthrate dip like Japan and 6 o clock traffic can clear up over a couple decades.

  4. Marriage as a sacred covenant of a persons devotion to another will continue on unabated, as I think it should. I love a good wedding and and I hope to celebrate love as much as I can in this life.

    Marriage as a legal institution or as an expectation for creating a family and a home together is increasingly obsolete. And I hope that younger generations do not feel bound to enjoin it.

    By way of example, my girlfriend and I have been together six years and are devoted to each other for life. But neither of us have any interest in having a wedding or getting married. On the opposite side, her mother in her 80s, being widowed for a couple years, met a nice man her age, also a widower. but they just can’t get past this archaic need to sign legal paperwork and have a Virgin in a robe recognize there devotion.

  5. Well I assume it’s not evolving and it’s going extinct. Like you get married and you pretty much loose half your shit just on a thought of

    “I don’t see this working out.”
    “How can we work together over this?”

    Like no offense but especially in America there is no incentive to marriage anybody. If she cheats you divorce unhappy loose half your stuff. Like as a man why would I wanna play a game where the only one who can loose is me?

    I mean think about it. The man pays the ultimate price. Like screw the whole “they both loose.” BS. Like I’ve seen men, who paid for their house, they wife cheat cause man working OT to keep things in check. Divorce he loose what he dumped his money in. He sometimes still had to pay for the house. He lost half his retirement. He fought for the kids but his wife kept moving. He paid for not his divorce lawyer but hers as well.

    Like I’m sorry…. Who was in the wrong and who paid the consequences?

    Marriage provides nothing, and even after marriage and have kids. Divorce as much as it’s necessary for some events. It’s a very selfish thing. People divorce on their feelings.

    Once you go through that it not only changed the outcome of the guy but changes the line for the kids. Lost income. Hell that could go to the kid, rather a car, investing it for a college account, helping them become independent. Something….

    Like Jesus Christ I don’t think anybody takes into consideration of what all a divorce toll does…

  6. It will cease to exist. Divorce risk is significant, and it’s weaponized against men. Eventually enough will realize that it’s only for stupid or foolish men, and stop doing it.

  7. It will cease to exist in the US and Canada and some European countries. But not in the rest of world. Because tradition as old as fuck bad. Or some such nonsense.

  8. Marriage may evolve into more of a symbolic gesture of commitment rather than a legal or financial arrangement, with couples choosing alternative legal frameworks for cohabitation and property management.

  9. I see it ending and more people using POA or other contracts to handle the legal side of things.

  10. I don’t know how it would change, but it would be interested to see it be a temporary contract that has to be renewed. A lot of marriages are just better when raising kids and don’t do as well with an empty nest. Or the other way around. It would be interesting if it was normalized to have different partners for different stages in life. Not required, of course. You could re-up with the same person if you wanted.

  11. At this point it’s only a tax savings model.

    I’d prefer if marriage had a date of expiry and separation of goods by default. After that the couple could just split without having to fight in court over shit.

  12. It’ll continue to decline. Causing fatherlessness to continue increasing. Which will lead to gradual economic decline, which will lead to marriage increasing again, and the cycle will repeat.

  13. Despite what some people think, long term bonds are fairly normal in the animal kingdom so I don’t see it going away anytime soon. There might be some revisions on divorce, but i think its pretty much what it is.

  14. Marriage exists because in nature there’s an imbalance in level of commitment required when going into a sexual encounter. It’s consequences are potentially way more severe for women.

    Now, with modern contraceptives, and women working and supporting themselves financially, marriage is an over correction that just skews the balance in a different direction. Either marriage will decline into a niche thing, or it will decouple from legal repercussions and revert to just being a ritual. A lot of prenups effectively serve as a prototype for this.

  15. The future is not the result of linear progression so its hard to say but there are two major trends I think will continue at least in the next decades: The richer parts of societies will continue to marry more than the poorer. And secondly, there will be more forms of forced marriage like cohabitation laws, which might sound like a reasonable ruleset until less affluent people discover that they cannot afford to live on their own, especially not in the city.

  16. Just don’t get married. If she requires you to buy her an expensive ring, big wedding and get a piece of paper from the government ultimately capable of ruining you then that’s not love. And true love she shouldn’t care about that, it should mean nothing to her. Don’t invite the government into your relationship and don’t sign any silly agreement with such severe consequences.

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