I have a friend who I’ve known for 5-7 years now but I don’t really like her anymore. I don’t feel good when we hung out. I’ve tried to slowly drift away but she always pulls me back and I feel bad for ending our friendship so I keep hanging out with her but after every hang I tell myself that I’ll find courage and cut ties with her. We hang out very rarely. Once in a couple months. From stories she told me before, it sounds like a couple of ppl cut ties with her too (ghosted her) but she literally went to their houses and workplaces to look for them (I think she did it out of worry if they’re ok) so I don’t want her to do that with me when I slowly drift away from her. But idk, I have a hard time with having difficult talks to I just want to drift away and then maybe at some point tell her that I don’t really want to be friends with her anymore but idk how to approach it and word it? If someone has any ideas

1 comment
  1. I think you should just be upfront with her. I know it’s difficult, but ultimately you should be being a friend to them even in a friendship breakup. The best way to be that in my mind is to be direct and open with your communication. So while it may seem overly dramatic, and hard to put yourself through. Just being direct about stepping back and why would likely yield the best responses.

    End of the day, it’d likely be a cathartic process for you to sit down and write out a full break up letter to them. Then reduce it a bit and be more succinct until it can fit into a text. I’d say start there, and try to process your feelings and put them to words. Then once you’ve got something down, considering sending it to them. If you break this process up into smaller parts for you to emotionally work through, it might be more manageable for you.

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