Note: the only way i found out about her age is through her instagram since i barely know her.

This may seem like its an off topic post but it still kinda is in the same realm of human interaction and advice.. so I went to my local gym yesterday and this new girl employee works at the front desk and I think she’s really attractive based on her looks and energy too. I’ve noticed she would glance over at me running on the treadmills and smile at me when she walks by. I’ve decided to shoot my shot at her by going back to the front desk and buying a bottle of water. Went up to the desk to buy the water and right off the bat she initiates the conversation first and we have a great conversation about the best water to drink. Eventually she asks what’s my zodiac sign (not sure if this had to do with the outcome because idk if she’s a zodiac type of girl) and I told her mines was a scorpio and she said me too. Ultimately i ended up suggesting we should workout together and she said she would be for sure down and asked if i wanted her instagram which i said yes. Gave me her instagram which turned out to be private page and she still hasn’t accepted my request or followed back. Do y’all think she just gave me her instagram so she wouldn’t have to deal with rejecting me or am I the only one who finds this very odd?

TLDR: This gym employee gives me her instagram after i shot my shot suggesting we should workout together.. her instagram is private and she still hasn’t followed back. she might have even declined my follow request. Is she very odd or reasonable to give me her instagram to avoid herself handing rejection to me? or is it something else?

  1. First, don’t shit where you eat, second, this is so unprofessional of her like goddamn are people really this stupid?

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