Yes I know casual sex isn’t for everyone, but for those who do have casual sex, how do you protect your emotional wellbeing?

I want to be able to have casual sex more often because I’m not mentally ready for a relationship, but I tend to get more emotionally invested than I want to. I also find that the intimacy aspect of casual sex quite confusing, because while you know that it isn’t a serious relationship logically, sometimes people treat you in a way that feels meaningful. How do you deal with those types of situations?

Thanks in advance!

  1. I personally cant do it. I gotta like you personally to fuck. Need some skin in the game. Limits me big time

  2. If you’re worried about emotional attachment then you need to stay as detached as possible. No talking or texting beyond making arrangements to hook up. Don’t over stay after you have sex. Fuck then leave. If aftercare is needed lay next to one another but don’t cuddle. Try to get out of there within 30 minutes of the deed being done. No hanging out and doing other activities beyond sex.

  3. For my casual partners, basically from the beginning, I keep them in a certain category in my head and I dont flip the script. I have had really good experiences and I appreciate spending time with them…but really the focus is the sex..and possibly friendship..I know the qualities I need in a partner so luckily the casual people dont typically fit that mold. So its easier to keep it all straight.

  4. It can be hard to detach emotionally from sex since the act itself is a very intimate thing. If you already find that you tend to get more emotionally invested than you want, I’d advise that you avoid trying to take on a casual sex lifestyle. It could potentially leave you with emotional and sexual trauma if you force yourself into it when it’s not really for you.

    I was once in your position, wanted to be more free and tried to detach emotionally to do so. In my opinion, it wasn’t worth it in the end. It changes you, your perspective on sex and possibly how you feel about yourself. Yeah, it was fun for a while. But being the emotional person I am who loves the fulfillment of emotional connection, eventually it wasn’t satisfying anymore because it was just so empty. Not a nice feeling to have when sex was always a wonderful thing for me. This is just my experience with it so it may be different for you.

    I’ve found the best way to keep things from getting complicated is to always have open, honest communication. If you’re considering taking on one partner for regular casual sex, discuss boundaries first and foremost to make sure the both of you are on the same page and can agree to keep things casual. Check in with each other time to time to make sure the understanding between you hasn’t changed. Consider having a discussion about avoiding things that could lead to emotional attachment like: kissing, sharing about your personal lives or getting involved in each other’s lives outside the bedroom, cuddling, messaging/talking while apart, basically anything a person would do to nurture a relationship outside of sex.

    This doesn’t mean you two shouldn’t be considerate or respectful to each other out of fear of growing attached. You just have to keep an understanding that good treatment between the two of you is just that and nothing more. Respect should always be maintained regardless if it’s emotional or casual, but you can respect and have attraction to another person without it being emotionally charged as long as you’re minding your feelings and respecting where lines are drawn.

    If you’re considering having sex with a different person each time, always always always put your health first. Make sure to use protection and ask them about their sexual health status. Again, communication is key. Keep your head on straight and remind yourself that you’re not looking for anything more to avoid getting swept off your feet.

    Hope this helps. Good luck and be safe!

  5. Sex is sex. That’s it.

    It’s perfectly fine for people to come together and enjoy a mutually pleasurable experience without it going any further.

    The way I see it, it’s just like two friends going bowling or going out for a drink together. You enjoy their company and have a good time. Sex is no different.

    Sure, it’s more intimate, but it’s also a great, fun activity.

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