In my whole life, I have never felt “connected” with another human being. Conversation with me are just boring.

For exemple, when someone tells me, “I like programming as a hobby.”

I try to keep the conversation going by asking a question.

Me: Oh, that’s cool (I don’t care) Why did you start programming?

Him: I started programming because of x reason.

Me: I wish I have started programming at an early age. What projects do you have for the future? Do you want to be a software developer? (not interested in of his future project and reply, I just keep the conversation going by letting him talk)

Him: I want to be a software developer because of x reason

It’s always facts, facts, and facts that don’t interest me. I always find myself uninterested in what the person has to say because it’s just straight up boring. I don’t know if this is normal. Are most people interested in this kind of information?

Maybe I just have something that prevents me from “connecting” with other people. I think I am just a boring person that just observe life rather than living it.

I could really listen to the other person because I read on the internet than active listening is a powerful skill, but after I ask them an open-ended question, I get bored at their reply.

Sometimes, I wish I could genuinely care for someone, and have a meaningful conversation but I guess I am destined for a solitary life

1 comment
  1. I feel similarly, but I think what causes you to feel like that is that your conversation partner just isn’t good at keeping the conversation going. Would you feel more interested if they asked YOU questions as well? Because in your example, you’re the only one making an effort, and as someone who also likes to ask a lot of questions, it starts to feel boring fast if the other person isn’t trying to engage you and just replies to whatever you say.

    For example if instead of him just saying “I want to be a software developer because of x reason” he added “… how come you wish you had started programming at an early age?”, would that make you feel more interested? If yes, then the problem is probably that you’re not talking to someone with a similar communication style and don’t feel like the other person is interested (or at least making the effort to appear so) in you as much as you are in them (even if you’re not REALLY interested in their responses).

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