And believe me, I’m not the best person. But there are things, that everyone is chill about, eg gossipping, judging clothes or appearance, a whole essay about how weird someone is, even about close friends. And they don’t get the irony, that they are saying mean things and top it with a “…you know, but not like me, they are REALLY weird bla bla”. And they lie to each other a lot. There are eg besties over decades and they lie to each other, even though they vent and gossip last night about the other.

  1. In my experience most of the people have been really nice while the bad apples are the minority

  2. It’s just a matter of exchanging such friends for a batch that doesn’t do all those things. I personally no longer have friends who gossip, judge, or call people weird. Usually people are either engaging in such behavior or shun it completely. So once you find a few friends who maintain integrity and a positive view of others, everyone else you meet with them will be the same way.

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