Is anyone else absolutely tired of having everything going right in their life except for having a boyfriend or girlfriend? I’m sufficient, have a car, a job am not overweight yet somehow manage to feel like I failure because I can’t get boyfriends.

  1. Oh… I might see the problem.. are you a teacher?

    Do you have a 2nd job that you do for money, like OF or something? If so, lead with that one. It’s better.

  2. Alotta people share too much too early.
    My boyfriend decided to step outside our relationship and I caught him. So, I did the adult thing and started packing up and looking for a new place to live. As I was packing I started crying a lot, mostly about all the time I felt I wasted here. For some reason he decided to call everything off, I asked him why and he told me everything about her (I forgot to mention they to my knowledge never met, just months calls and her sending naked pix).
    Anyway, she told him about a major medical condition that required a ton of care and a lot of money every month.

    So all that being said, the moral of the story keep your extreme issues to yourself and never send nudies (an addendum to the story, I was dating a guy several years ago and when I broke up with him he posted my nudie pix and phone number in a Craig’s List ad).

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