So long story short I know this woman because we went out on a date together. I asked her if she wanted to get drinks and she suggested a restaurant in my neighborhood.

While we were at the restaurant she asks me if she can come to my place to charge her phone. I obviously agreed to it. We ended up having sex.

Afterwards she texts me a picture of herself that night with her friends. I didn’t respond because I did not know what to say. I was gonna wait to respond back. A couple days later she sends me a picture of herself naked. I responded back.

She has since not said anything to me. I need advice on how to figure this girl out and why would she send me a picture of herself completely naked then not say anything back.

TLDR: Went on 1 date with this girl. She sends me a picture of herself naked. And doesn’t respond back when I respond to the picture.

  1. Because you responded to the nude and not the normal picture, she probably took that to mean you are only interested in sex and now doesn’t want to pursue anything.

  2. It was a test. You didn’t respond to the group setting picture but did respond to her nude. Stupid test but none the less she administered it. It doesn’t matter if you barely know her you still had sex with her before the picture so that logic is offsetting. If you wanna continue send a quick hey where is this going and if she responds act accordingly if not move on.

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