Before interpreting other people’s coldness or stand-offishness as a judgement of you, think of them as people with their own insecurities and anxieties, which may explain their behavior.

Situation: Go to a party and no one’s talking to you.
Automatic interpretation: I’m all alone and people are judging me.
Better interpretation: People don’t want to approach me and get rejected. I should do them a favor and approach them instead.

Situation: Someone you’re talking to seems distracted.
Automatic interpretation: What I’m saying isn’t important enough. They want to get rid of me.
Better interpretation: They are self conscious and nervous about talking to new people.

Of course, sometime it really is you being creepy blah blah blah. But I think this line of thinking can shift your mindset from “What is this person’s valuation of me?” (which creates anxiety) to “How can I put this person at ease and make them feel secure with themselves?”

1 comment
  1. So confidence isn’t all it’s cracked up to be… as protecting one’s ego like this isn’t confident.

    I’m not arguing, or saying you forgot something…. just think “be confident” is code for being popular

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