Men with good taste of fashion, how/when/where did you learn all those stuff?

  1. Personally I don’t consider myself good at fashion but I do often receive compliments from people in college about how I dress.
    My secret is simply looking up outfits on Pinterest and trying to recreate it as much possible with the clothes I have.

  2. I worked at Nordstrom in the 80s, it was the heyday of malls, and most everyone was attractive they hired, I was on the low end, so I always thought fashion could get me closer to all the good looking people I worked with. Now at 50+, I still think about everything I put on my body.

  3. I don’t have a good taste in fashion but I learned the rules of business casual through /r/malefashionadvice which was a lifesaver when I started working

  4. Honestly, just by experimenting seeing what others did that I liked and trying things that were similar by putting my own spin on it

  5. I only dress for special occasions. For those, I just do a quick Google search on the dress code and look for images. When I was younger, I used to care a lot about fashion, but age taught me that a loose t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops are my go-to.

  6. Notice people who are dressed well and emulate their style. Learn the basic trends and rules of fashion.

    The biggest thing is fit and posture. If you carry yourself with good posture and wear clothes that fit well you are halfway there.

  7. Go to a big store with lots of different clothes, like H&M, and try all kinds of stuff.

    When I go shopping I literally try everything.

  8. Having two sisters, one older & one younger, that would laugh at what I was wearing before I walked out the front door for middle & highschool in the morning will do that to ya.

  9. I’d start with researching your body type and finding what colors accent that shape. After that I’d go on Pinterest to get an idea of outfits and color combinations. Find a style you really like and try to hunt down one fit. Get all the pieces and give them a shot. If something feels off go to a tailor and have them fit your new clothes. You’ll see the difference immediately.

  10. First I asked female friends to help me, then my gf, then my wife. Slowly over years I learned through osmosis

  11. Friends and male fashion advice subreddit. The streetwear sub is also great for inspiration.

  12. I wouldn’t say I have “good” fashion but I pay enough attention so as to not look like an idiot when I go out and when I see how most men dress I cringe lol

    #1 rule, be in shape and purchase clothing that fits you properly, a man who’s in good physical shape can wear a $20 fitted sweater, dark jeans, and clean runners, and look 100x better than a guy who wears expensive name-brand crap or a misfitted suit

    #2 Don’t wear logos if you’re over the age of 25, you don’t look cool wearing a “Gucci” shirt, you look like you’re trying too hard

    #3 Keep your hair trimmed, get a haircut every couple of weeks, or if you have long hair groom it, and if you’re balding just shave it off and grow some facial hair, you would be amazed at how much a clean cut can change your look in a positive way

    #4 Have clean shoes, you really only need 3-4 pairs, a couple of pair of sneakers (white, and dark), brown dress shoes, black dress shoes, that’s it

    #5 If you’re going to wear a “dress shirt” with jeans (which I do often) make sure that it’s meant to be worn untucked, most dress shirts aren’t BUT you can purchase “dress” shirts that are designed to be worn untucked, also make sure you purchase something fitted that doesn’t hang off of you…If you’re overweight then lose the weight but a fitted button-up shirt on a man with a bit of muscle looks fantastic because it shows off your body, arms, shoulders, chest etc.

    #6 If you’re going to wear a “statement piece” only wear ONE! What does this mean? a statement piece is something that “pops”, something that stands out i.e a cool hat, a necklace, a bright/wild shirt, bright shoes, belt buckle etc. A lot of men make the mistake of wearing multiple statement pieces and you generally look like an idiot when you do this…it’s cool to wear one thing that sets your outfit off, but when you try to do too much you end up looking ridiculous…I see a lot of middle-aged men make the mistake of wearing a bright/busy dress shirt, with bright shoes, a big belt buckle etc. and they end up looking like a cheap f#$king Christmas tree lol don’t do that

    #7 Don’t wear a T-shirt under your dress shirt, it looks silly

    #8 Stop wearing “skinny” jeans, those haven’t been in style for a few years, instead wear fitted jeans that fit you well, there’s a difference, Skinny jeans look like they’re painted on when you’re standing, I see a lot of “jacked” dudes still wearing these and it looks silly…just purchase jeans that fit you well, they should “hug” your legs when you sit but not when you you’re standing

    Anyway that’s 80% of what you need to know as a man lol I’m not as good with suits so I usually ask a tailor/stylist to help me in that department but when it comes to day to day fashion I’m, I’m on point

  13. To stay relevant, I have a few men’s sites that I follow. If you want a comprehensive list, I will share. My DM is open. Just let me know.

  14. Weird one, but when l watched Twilight when it came out my senior year of high school. I realized that l don’t have to only wear hand-me-downs and comic shirts, and could try to wear clothes l thought looked cool. Got some casual button downs, and clothes that actually fit me.

  15. Spent some time in a fashionable country (Portugal) around people who dressed well. They tell you how to look good. It’s not only clothes, but also hairstyles, beard, etc.

  16. I take the time to look at clothes when i dont intend on buying them. And then buy them when i find another piece that looks just as sick and goes with it. 2 piece rule.

  17. I was born with natural style and decent looks. I guess it comes down to self respect and wanting to look your best. Always wear comfortable clothes of good quality. Do not skimp on leather shoes and accessories. Classic style suits good looking people the best. We just look timeless. Unattractive peopel usually wear oversized clothing to conceal height, body fat and proportions. Plus, they look really really bad in classic clothes.

    So basically you will be stylish if you are attractive and where classic clothes. You are not stylish if you need to dress like you are a kid.

  18. I’m no expert, but what I done is Google celebs around my age and body type and checked what they were wearing.

  19. They learned at the clothing store. Just at look at the mannequins and wear exactly that. The mannequins are a reflection of what people like.

  20. Over time, and by dating a classy lady or two. They’d make suggestions, and I would listen.

  21. Reddit mostly.

    Here’s the #1 thing to understand. You can look damned good in even the cheapest shit from Walmart, as long as it fits you properly

  22. I just made friends with women and I would ask them advice on clothes to buy. Then I took their advice. Then other women would tell me I’m very fashionable.

    Sometimes I would parlay that conversation into a date.

    Wow, you’re a really fashionable guy.
    Nope, my secret is I get advice from fashionable girls.
    Yeah, I like your style. How about this? Let’s meet up, and you can help me pick out an outfit. I’ll buy you dinner afterwards.

    Then getting the second date should be easy. You probably hung out with her for a while. Figure something out. Let’s go do that, I’ll wear this.

  23. I don’t know if I’d consider myself of good taste, but I remember hearing the phrase “style never goes out of fashion” and I kind of stuck to it. If you’re wearing something snappy, and it fits well, and you adhere to a few basic styling rules, you really can’t go wrong.

    I’ve also found leaning into an archetype can help. If I’m dressing up a bit, then it’s a button down shirt, rolled up to the elbows with a waistcoat, and jeans for semi formal or slacks for quite formal, but if I’m having a casual night I lean into the lumberjack look with a red checked flannel, the same jeans, work boots, and maybe a beanie if the weather warrants it.

    Also finding a style that suits your body is important. The “open jacket/shirt over a t shirt” doesn’t really work if you’re a chubby guy, since the jacket or shirt tends to hang wide open and emphasise the belly, as an example. While a casual hoody might instead emphasise your shoulders and disguise the gut a bit. Suit jackets work for slimmer guys, but if you’re a big guy, even if it’s all muscle, they look goofy no matter how well fitted. A fitted button down almost always looks good, you can leave it untucked for a more casual look or go for a french or full tuck if it’s more formal.

  24. From my mother. My mother was a snappy dresser. She always wanted me to be one of the best dressed kids in church. From there it just came natural to me.

  25. Time. Pay attention when you are shopping with the opposite sex, while you aren’t gonna buy the same clothes it will teach you a lot about matching and coordinating.

    The subreddits are good for your basic knowledge as well (but didn’t exist for me growing up which is why this is the second paragraph).

    And fashion doesn’t mean you have to chase trends. I stick to a very classic style cause it never goes out of style.

  26. An ex of mine introduced me to Express. I’m 5’5″ and nothing else fits me quite like their button ups, so that’s the only place I shop for nice clothes.

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