Men who still live with their parents, how has this affected your dating life?

  1. Haven’t even started my dating life yet mainly because I’m just focusing on myself and saving up for a house of my own I’d be pretty embarrassed bringing a girl to my parents house at 21.

  2. Feels like I can’t take anybody home, even though I could.

    I’d rather go to their place or a hotel, but getting that far is a crapshoot itself.

  3. It’s been largely accepted. I phrase it as “I’m renting a room from my mom”, cause I am. I am an entirely independent entity, and it’s so much less expensive than a random roommate. I help do chores and occasionally eat the dinner she makes

  4. 27 living with parents always have. It’s never affected any woman I’ve been with considering I have a full-time job and a part time grad student.

    But I understand most men aren’t in my situation. They aren’t educated or with many skills living with their parents.

    But to those men who live with their parents who have their lives in order, it doesn’t make any difference in dating. It does however affect women just wanting a sexual encounter. I’m much too old to do those anyways so I don’t really care for it

  5. I am Indian m, so living with parents is norm here.

    & dating is normal, I just cant invite someone and cook for them. But apart from that everything is normal, hotels are easily available, you can book places on hourly bases or for full day. I just lie to my parents whenever I am going to stay in hotel with my partner.

  6. I stay at my parents house the majority of the time and I rent a room in a different city. I’m at my parents house the large majority of the time. It hasn’t had an impact on my dating life. I can still bring ladies over for dates, just can’t have them spend the night over out of respect for my mom. The place I’m renting a room at is my buddies place. It’s just us two in a four bedroom house. If I want to get away I’ll go there. If I want to smash I’ll take them there, the ladies place, or rent a room. Living at my parents house most of the time has worked out for me. I’m at home by choice to save money, I make a little over six figures and can get my own place. I enjoy my parents company. Moving out for women is just a waste of money. A lot of the times ladies will give me positive comments about my living situation. That’s smart you’re saving money, I like guy’s that are close with their family, and so on.

  7. I technically still live with my mom. But she is home for like a month a year at this point. And it’s not all at once. My other half and I have been together for 11 years.

  8. Many years ago I fell on some hard times and had to move home. Dating life disappeared after that. Instant turnoff. Funny enough…I know a woman now who has shot down all sorts of decent guys because of their living situation. This same woman is now 40 and has never lived anywhere other than her parent’s house. She still turns down guys who don’t have a place up to her standards…which include weird things like not liking the neighborhood they live in.

  9. Knew a guy who lived with his mom for a while while she was sick.

    Tried to ask a woman out who lived with her mom because she couldn’t support herself.

    She didn’t want to give him a shot because he lived with his mom.

    The moral of the story is that women date across and up social/competence hierarchies.

  10. Well I got married while we both lived at my dads and now we live at my moms so not at all I guess

  11. I don’t think this question is for me, but anyway…

    First of all, my dating life is nonexistent. I’m married!

    Secondly, my wife and I moved in with my parents right at the beginning of the pandemic, and more so due to them needing help around the house, cancer, and heart disease. Then the pandemic hit. So, kind of a blessing that we were able to be here and go out for them, etc. Now we basically cohabitate with them, and I still help around the house and stuff when I’m not working. My wife doesn’t work due to health issues. No kids, and I have a good career.

    My mental health… not so hot. And the sex is less crazy. But oh well.

  12. Failure to launch tbh

    With my living situation, I find it difficult to have time to myself without someone wondering where I am or what I’m doing. Some of it is self imposed because I get a feeling of having to be “on call” even when I’m left alone

  13. I met my wife while I was still living with my parents. Dating was little embarrassing but as long as you have a job or go to school or whatever, you can pull off the “I’m saving money” excuse. There is a certain type of woman that flat out won’t date you in that situation, but it don’t think it’s a huge deal until your mid-late 20s id say.

  14. It’s either their place or we could do it at my place. They’re guaranteed a deluxe breakfast but may have to answer a lot of questions and handle sex jokes from my grandpa.

  15. Normal dating tbh. You just don’t mention it until they’re invested in you and love you. And then they usually don’t care.

  16. at the time my parents were cool pay your part and don’t wreck the house and shits smooth sailing and with the money saved you both are ahead, i figure its only an issue when we have weird parents.

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