I had to get a buzz cut because I was losing hair and I despise it. I can’t grow anything more than stubble, and even if I could, I hate the bald with beard look. My hair is one of my only features that I liked so now I’m stuck being fucking hideous for the rest of my life. My girlfriend keeps wanting to have sex, but I just can’t do it when I know I look like complete shit. At this point I’m honestly just considering suicide if the other choice is forever being ugly

  1. Everyone hates some things about themselves, even super models. Luckily for guys, women care far more if you can make them laugh.

    If you are really so stressed you are considering some permanent solution I can tell you life gets better and you should probably reach out to someone in your life for help.

  2. My husband had the same thing happen to him at your age. I’ve asked him about the journey and at first he tried all the medications to stop it, had the full on thick dyed emo hair thing going on and was very passionate about it, held on to it for as long as he could and struggled a lot when he was loosing it. Eventually I encouraged him to loose it all and rock it, and he hasn’t looked back since.

    I think he is smokin’. He doesn’t see it, but he’s learned to trust me on that. I shave it down for him every 3 weeks and he has absolutely gorgeous eyes and an incredible body that he has worked on instead, but it’s been a process for him mentally too.
    Please do not let something like this drive you to an irreversible decision.
    Any drastic change in appearance takes a while to get used to especially something as emotional as this. Don’t do anything rash and just know that most people don’t think twice about it when they see you.
    All they are going to see is the results of your self hatred and that will stick out more than any shiny head ever will.
    If you really hate it that much there are caps you can get to cover up until you learn that you are going to have to learn to ditch the vanity and work with what you have, because that is you and it sounds like someone really cares about you for who you are and not for your hair and you’re at risk of pushing her away.

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