Hey guys. My girlfriend went on a family trip to Mexico for a month and in the beginning everything was great. She’d send me pictures and videos and she’d facetime me every now and then.

But then 1 week later she met up with one of her cousins and she started acting different?

Ive seen pictures of this cousin. Lets call him Alex. He works in a tourist spot mountain preservation in mexico and its considered one of the best places to travel for sightseeing in all of mexico.

In the pictures that I’ve seen him with my gf, they seem very friendly and touchy with each other. Shes even told me that the family thinks they secretly love each other and gossip about them, and that her and alex laugh it off. And i got it confirmed that they are indeed actual cousins by her mom and 10 year old son.

Well, 2 weeks later my gf tells me they are having a cousin only sleep over at the top of the mountain preservation. Apparently alex has a cottage/lodge atop the mountain and the cousins are going to drink and get together up there.

Alex is married and has a 2 1/2 year old baby. But the wife didn’t go to the party at the top of the mountain lodge.

Keep in mind that during the party, my gfs phone reception was not working properly up at the top? But then i get a text message from her at 3am in the morning saying she loved me.

Then the next days (week 2 1/2) she barely texts me all day and is very dry in her texts. I think, okay, maybe shes just hungover. But then the next days shes still behaving different and acting dry towards me.

To a few days later to today, she changed her whatsapp profile picture to a meme of a ghost drinking alcohol and turning into a mischievous little demon. What the hell

So i ask her about it, what does it mean, and she tells me that the ghost drinks alcohol and turns into a 😈 mischievous demon. And i know how she gets when she drinks around me so i know what she means by that.

I’m usually a level headed person but, things are looking real weird. I need advice or help on how to handle this

  1. Break up with her my dude.

    She is telling you what’s shes up to. That is some next level shit shes pulling on you.

    You know it in your gut. Trust your gut.

    Leave her.

  2. She’s on vacation.

    She’s not going to be 24/7 available to you.

    Maybe we just give her space and deal with it when she gets back.

    What are you insinuating here? That she has a thing for her cousin? Or Alex introduced her to someone else?

    You won’t be able to sort any of this out over text.

    Wait until she comes back before you jump to major conclusions.

  3. well, first thing you need to do is find something else to do than text for 30 minutes with your gf who is on a family vacation in Mexico. Go out with friends, pursue your hobbies, read that book you’ve been wanting to read, whatever. Either you trust your gf or you don’t. Your gf is busy meeting family members that she may not have met before, enjoying the catch up, soaking up the culture, all that stuff. Give her space.

    This: *in the beginning everything was great. She’d send me pictures and videos and she’d facetime me every now and then.*
    *But then 1 week later she met up with one of her cousins and she started acting different?*

    That’s a lot of contact, all those pictures and vidoes and face time and texts, over just a few days. When is gf allowed to enjoy her vacation?

    Isn’t it normal for someone on a long holiday to touch base with their partner right after arriving to say they got there safely, and then after that go into holiday mode, where they are too busy soaking up the experiences they are having to be constantly reporting in to the partner back home?

    Isn’t it possible her family members started teasing her about how her bf insisted on her constantly texting him while on vacation?

    You’ve seen photos of the cousin. You know he works at a tourist destination. He’s married with a baby. Sounds like these two cousins became friends easily. Sounds like he’s having a fun party for the younger family members. So they’re not alone, are they?

    Presumably all this information came to you through your gf??? So she is in contact with you. She doesn’t seem to be hiding anything.

    One week, you started freaking out after only one week! Sorry, but you don’t sound very level headed to me. Clingy and smothering are the terms that come to my mind. Maybe your gf is finally realizing how unhealthy your relationship has become.

  4. Dude, this is not the place to ask, I can tell you how this is going to go.

    You’ll get call possessive, accused of harassing her, told to leave her alone on vacation and told everything is in your head.

    My tip to anyone that has issues with their girlfriend type out your story, then swap the genders then you’ll get a rough idea how these people honestly think without bias.

  5. It is valid that she’s not going to respond to you all the time. But the behavioural change does seem sus. If anything happened it’ll be on her phone. I’d snoop and see if there is anything sus going on. This is just to clarify and not to say she’s cheating.

  6. I don’t agree with others entirely. If it’s unusual for you guys to not communicate much in a situation like this, I think what she’s doing is indeed suspicious. With the rumors about your girlfriend and her cousin, them being really close, and especially her texting she loves you at 3 AM, and then acting coldly – there could be something going on. Leave it for now, discuss after she comes back.

  7. The people saying is cheating… you all don’t have family or cousins even? He’s literally family, being jealous over that is very sick actually.

  8. You’re seriously worried she had sex with her cousin? You need therapy because that is crazy.

  9. OP, has it occured to you that being up in the mountains there might not always be the best cell coverage? If she’s out and about she probably has to get back to wherever they’re staying to get on wi-fi, and at that point she’s still with family who she’s spending time with instead of focusing on her phone.

  10. A cousins-only drinking party in the mountains sounds weird but ok. The family saying she and him seem to be in love is weird but ok.

    Until you get some actual evidence of cheating I would let it go. If you think she’s cheating because you don’t trust her to begin with, then dump her and move on with your life.

  11. I hate how we normalize being in contact with people all the time because cellphone allow this..

    “Oh my SO didn’t text last night – she must be cheating on me”

    That is why I’m very clear that I take hours to reply to a message,

    The girl is in a international trip of her life and she need to worry that she is not text her boyfriend enough

  12. The only thing weird about any of this is when you said her family thinks they secretly love each other. If her entire immediate and extended family thought they were having an affair, that would raise an eyebrow.

    Everything else sounds normal. I had a cousin the same age as me and people always asked if he was my boyfriend because we hung out all the time. There were no romantic feelings between us whatsoever. My cousins and I are in our 30s now and we still have sleepovers.

    As far as not contacting you. She’s in Mexico and probably doesn’t have consistent reception. It also might be expensive to call and text.

    I know it’s hard to go a month barely hearing from your girlfriend, but it doesn’t sound like anything suspicious is going on. Please do not accuse or confront her about having an incestuous affair with her cousin. Your relationship wouldn’t recover from that accusation.

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