I am not yet in need for a dental implant on my #19 molar and hopefully won’t be for a long while (although the dentist who placed it said it will eventually fail and I will need an implant due minimal tooth structure) I am scared to chew absolutely anything on that crown anymore.

Anyways… which would you recommend doing the placement of a dental implant?

  1. For the part where they snip off the bone and place the screw and then put the same ground up bone they took out as a graft, that can only be done by someone with the correct licensure. If you use a normal dentist then you will likely see a contractor for that part. The rest is easily done by a dentist. At that point you just wait for it to heal, it takes forever, and then you screw the crown on and fit it.

  2. I had a molar pulled because it went bad – that the short version at least. They filled the hole in the jaw and I had to wait about 6mo for that to heal before my dentist put in an implant. I’m not even sure I could tell you just by feeling which tooth it is.

  3. My mom, who’s in her 80’s, got a couple of dental implants at a dentist in Mexico across the border from Yuma AZ and couldn’t be happier. She didn’t need any bone grafts or anything. The cost was a quarter of what it would cost in Canada.

  4. Any specialist will be able to do the best job but will cost more. Ask if they use a surgical guide, if they say yes it means they care about precision. I’d go with an oral surgeon or a periodontist not a prosthodontist.

    Source: 15+ years on dentistry

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