Men of reddit, what’s a good way of rejection?

  1. If u gonna reject someone then do it, but don’t put him in a friendzone “i like u as a person, I’m not ready now” etc

  2. Sorry, you are too attractive for me, so no. But I will give your number to my hot friends.

    Thanks for the compliment, I’ll have a better day, but I’m not interested.

    I’m not interested.

  3. Be straight with it without any curves here and there. I’d rather have a girl tell me she’s not interested rather than “I like you but as a friend”

  4. By telling yourself that at least you tried and by picking yourself up and trying again 👍🏻

  5. If you dont know them just say your taken, if you have to speak to them ever again just say your not interested.

  6. “I appreciate your honesty. Thanks for taking the time to hear me out and I hope you have a good rest of your day.”

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