So I (M24) work in a lab in my University (I’m from Spain) and a new lab partner (F21) arrived some weeks ago and we get along really great. We’re always telling stupid jokes and playfully “insulting” each other and all that kind of silly stuff. Its kind of obvious that we enjoy each other’s presence and we try to coincide in the lab as much as possible. We’ve also started texting sometimes outside of work hours but just small talk. We haven’t met outside of work, though.

I didn’t want to make any assumptions yet but the last few days I’ve noticed some “hints”, like she’s remarked a couple of times that she doesn’t have a boyfriend (when the conversation didn’t ask for it). Or the other day when a senior student asked for her phone number and she inmediately came to tell me how she didn’t give it to him, and wanted to show me who the guy was…

She’s lovely and very pretty and I’m obviously interested. Do you think there’s something here or she’s just a very friendly person? How would you make a hypothetical move?

1 comment
  1. Ask her if she wants to go grab some coffee or anything you like doing. You could even ask if she wants to grab some takeout or eat something during a lunch break. She definitely likes you so she won’t say no to anything you ask

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